Jack Harries - See You Again

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I'm back my lovely gals! I think everyone left.Haha.Anyways,since i've been having the jack and finn harries attack and the song see you again by wiz khalifa got me crying,i figured out that why not put both of them together and make a story?Well imagine. Keep Reading! :)

Ohh,I also made a tumblr account so those who don't have a wattpad account can reach me through tumblr and i'll make some imagines for you guys there but i haven't posted anything hahaha. Go follow me on youtubersimaginemaker (Its the one with a guy in blue)


Your POV

"It's been a long day without you,my friend."

" And I'll tell you all about it when i see you again"

I sang along while driving. I admit it. I missed him. It's really hard to be living far from each other.It's night when it's morning with him..Everything is just not the same.I miss my jack. Yes. The one and only jack harries.

Let me tell you how we met. Well I am one of his viewers then someone held a vidcon in here so I obviously went there. I was in line and got hungry till something happened..


"Y/N! I'm so hungry! It's only 12pm and the show doesn't start for 6 more hours!Why are we so early?" My Bestfriend Chloe said.

"Chloe,it's better to be the first one so we can get the front row.It's all worth it" I said. We're currently sitting down infront of the door.Luckily we're the 2nd one.

It's better to have the first spot right?We barely eaten anything and it's sooooo hot outside here. Though i think it's gonna rain soon cause the wind started blowing and the sky started to get darker.

All due excitement,I haven't slept yet.

"Can I go get something to eat while you save our spot?So you won't be complaining anymore.My Treat" i rolled my eyes at her.

"Sounds great. Get me something from A&W" She smiled.

I nodded and decided to just walk since it's just a few blocks away.When I came,the place is packed with teenage girls. Ofcourse they're here for the vidcon. The line was freaking long like soooo long.I dont think it's not gonna take too much time. I think i'm gonna go to arby's...

"Hey ow!" I screamed when somebody accidentally hit me.

"Oh No Jack! What have you done?!" I heard someone said....That sounds familiar....FINN?!!!?!?!?!...I looked up and saw Jack standing up...Jack...

Okay...Don't Freak out. DON'T..

"I'm soo sorry...Here let me help you up" He said and helped me up while i can't take my eyes off of him.Daaaaamn he's gorgeous..Those eyes..His hair..

"Are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke.

"Y-Yes" damn it! don't go stuttering y/n!

"Here how about we go get some coffee to make it up to you?" Jack asked..

I was about to speak when...

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