Cam Dallas Imagine #13 (itsjustmetyla)

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Another Request here! Keep sending me messages with the list i need to know so i can make your imagines. :)))

Tyla, sorry it took soooooo long. Just had some problems with some people out there. :)

Cameron's POV

"It's like you're totally ignoring me for no reason! If you expect to just let it happen and i'll come running back to you then no! I did nothing! so if your gonna ignore me? maybe i'll go out like right now!!Or maybe just jump off or--" "Tyla Shut up!!" I yelled.

I love tyla don't get me wrong. She just gets so talkative sometimes and i'm not ignoring her. I'm just so tired.

The magcon in here just finished and i'm on a rush to pick tyla from her basketball practice.

"What did i even do" i heard her whisper. "Oh. Tyla. I'm sorry. I'm just so tired that's all"

"Then why didn't you tell me? i can just walk home." She said while looking outside. One time she's mad one time she's freaking out and now she's sad. Okay.

"No i wouldn't let you walk home. A princess should be treated as a princess. And princesses don't walk home" i said and saw her smile again. "There. That's my tyla with her gorgeous smile and dreamy eyes"

"Oh stop it cam" then she punched lightly on my arm. I laughed. "No. Just kidding. Keep going" she said and i laughed so hard. So did she.

"Okay okay. Uhhm. You have gorgeous smile. A dreamy eyes. A wonderful body and uhhmm. Nice butt" i said which made her laugh some more.

"Why did you stop? keep going!" she said and i laugh even harder that my eyes started to have tears in it.

We keep laughing until she screamed "Car!" and a familiar car came and hit her side. The car rolled over the road and ended up upside down.

My world is spinning and i felt pain in my right shoulder and saw some glass hit it with my blurry eyes. I look over to Tyla and she has blood in her forehead.

"Tyla" that's all i said as i touched her face and everything went black.











I woke up as i saw a white ceiling and a crucifix above the bed that i am laying in. I tried to sit up and i failed. My shoulder hurts. Sooo bad. I wish tyla is okay....."Tyla!" i screamed as i sit up fast. And saw nash leaning at the wall with his phone.

"Woah bro!" he said and called the nurse.

Some guys came in and checked me.

"Where's tyla?" i asked nash like panicking.

"Across the room" he said with sadness in his face.

"Can i see her?" i asked the nurse.

They nodded and helped me stand up. I walk across the room and saw her. She has something wrapped in her head and she has a busted lip.

I sat down beside her and began to cry as nash tried to calm me down. She's still the most beautiful girl for me. With her perfect light brown hair and perfect shaped nose. All i know is that i have fallen for her so deep. That i can't stand a day without her in my arms. She has to wake up. Like right now. We're gonna get married in a week. We're gonna have kids

12 kids. 6 girls and 6 boys. So we can have a basketball in each team.

"Did you find out who did this?" i asked taylor who just came in the room with the other guys and tyla's friends.

"You wouldn't believe it. It's not even a accident" taylor said. "Then who?!" i asked and the boys started to calm me down again. I just wanna know who.

"Cherish" taylor said with disappointment in his tone.

Cherish is one of my fans. The sluty one that gets everything she wants but not me. She tried hurting tyla alot of times. She succeeded this time.

"She's in jail don't worry" matt said and patted my back.









Today is tyla's 5th day at the hospital. She haven't woke up yet. And yes. I am panicking. We're gonna get married in 2 days and she's not awake. Just. What am i gonna do if she didn't woke up in time.

"Wake up" i said as i closed my eyes and held her hand tight.

"Sir" the doctor said. I look up and saw sadness in his face. I don't know if it's his natural face though.


"I'm sorry but her body couldn't take it. She's too weak. The monitor went flat hours ago. We're just glad we bought her back to life in time. But her body is too weak. Her ribs are not even healing. She's dehydrated. Im sorry but the next time that the monitor went flat. She's gone. We can only save her once." He said as he walk out of the room.

I held her hand tighter. "Please wake up already"

"Ew don't touch me" i looked up and saw tyla with her eyes open. "Tyla!" i said and hugged her. But she pushed me.

"Excuse me mister but i do not know you. So stop touching me" she said with disgust in her eyes.

I froze. Is this for real. She's can't remember me. We're gonna get married in 2 days and she do not know me.

"Are you serious?" i asked because tyla likes to fool around

"Ofcourse i am!" she said.

She's serious. What happened. Tyla.

"Nah i'm just kidding ofcourse i do know you. Cam!" she said and hugged me.

I hug her tight some more. I thought she lost her memory. I will never lose her again never ever.

"Okay as much as i wanted to hug you but i am so thirsty like thirsty water not thirsty thirsty" she said and we laughed.

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