Nash Grier Imagine #1

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Your POV 

                   It's my first time to go to this event called MAGCON. I always adore the boys.But i really like the one with blue eyes.Nash Grier. This is my first time because i live so far away from places that do MAGCon But my parent's decided to buy me a plane ticket,magcon ticket and nash grier merchandise as a reward for being the highest in school.I came to magcon with my bestfriend alice. "Ohmygod. I can't believe i am going to meet my Baby cakes" i said referring to Nash."I know right! And i'll be meeting the one and Only Taylor Caniff!I bet he'll wear bandana"  We both laughed knowing tay always wear bandanas.

                   We arrived 3 hours earlier. Cause i wanna be the first person in line. But turns out i wasn't. There's a line already but not that long. We're like the 6th in line.Me and Alice chitchat while we're waiting. And time flies so fast it's already time...

I'm in line for Nash Grier And Cam Dallas. "Alice i can't breath OMG" i said cause i really can't! You see, i have this panic attack. And i can't breath. "What? OW! Y/N Inhale! and Exhale!" She kept saying inhale and exhale but i just can't breath. The girls around us are freaking out too and some are helping me."Hey!" We heard and everybody stopped freaking out. The room went quiet. "Is She Okay?" IT'S NASSSHHHH!! OMG!!!!!!! And i had another panic attack which made me fall on the ground. "Nash! She's not! She can't breath!" Alice said..

Seriously i don't know what's happening. I'm lying on the ground and i barely breath. I'm like a fish that needs water.everything is turning black and i can't here anything. But it's like i'm fighting because i'm still awake..I saw someone walking towards me but i can't see clearly cause i'm crying. it's like i'm gonna die..Some guy in a white shirt picked me up. i look at him and blinked a couple of times.. It's Nash... Then Everything went black...

"Yes i'll tell your parents too. That you'll stay with us" i heard someone. NASH?

I just had the weirdest dream ever. I fainted infront of nash. I'm awake but why is nash still talking on my mind? 

"Thankyou So much nash. y/n will be happy if she knew" I heard alice. I opened my eyes and sat up.. I looked around and it;s them.... The 9 MAGCon Boys. I'm gonna scream. I need to scream..Not now. I feel so red right now for preventing my scream. "y/n your awake!" Alice said running to me and hugging me. " 

It's not a dream????? "I think we should let y/n and nash alone since he saved her life. i think" Taylor said and everyone went out and here's me still clueless.Nash Sat beside me. "You fainted 'when  you're in line" I looked at his eyes and prevent myself from fangirling. Not now okay? Not now? "Yes i remember that" I smiled. He smiled back. Okay Awkward! "What happened?How long am i asleep?" i asked. "it's 2am now" he said. "Wait...I missed the event?!" He nodded."OMG!!!!!!" I hate myself now! "Hey! Don't worry. You'll come with me tomorrow at the event i already talked to your parents" I looked at him surprised. I was about to say something when he spoke. 
"Wanna know how i saved you?" He said with a big grin in his face. "Sure?" He looked at me. He smirked and bit his lower lip. I feel so red!!! Not now please!!!! OMG!!! I can't help it!! "CPR" He said and smiled. Huh? I fainted. Not drowned. "It's for drowning right? I didn't drown" i said curiosity is taking over me. " Exactly. I just wanted to kiss a gorgeous girl" then he winked. Okay i'm gonna die.


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