Matt Espinosa Imagine #3

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Hey guys! I've been looking through youtube videos about matt espinosa and i see how much he cared about his fans and about the suicide things. So that inspired me to write this Imagine for Matt . 

Jessica's POV 

                         "I hate it when others cuts their wrist fake to get attention while others are out there struggling for doing it real." i smiled as i read ,matt's tweet. I scrolled down to see the dramatic messages of the girls who stopped cutting. and some are saying how matt saved their life. But it doesn't work with me. You know i have this time when i feel so worthless and felt like all the problems in the world are meant to be for me. I'm all alone. I lost my parents. and my Sister when our plane crashed.i survived. but sometimes i wish that i didn't.I have a friend named Jena and Sam But sam isn't here because he's starting to get famous. She's the only one who's there for me. Since i was left alone. I'm always bullied. Cyber or Real life. I am bullied. Luckily i have Jena. She keeps me strong. 

                                 I though jena is the only one there for me. But then one day i saw her laughing while looking at her phone and that's where it started. Even though matt doesn't know me? I have this feeling that he's there for me. He made me laugh. and smile. he made me do things i haven't done for a long time.That's why i love him. And since we graduated college. me and Jena Decided to move to virginia since we both got a job in the same location.Since we moved there i started going to every MAGCon matt is in. He somehow remembered me. "Jess! 2 hours before we leave!" Jena yelled from downstairs. Oh i almost forgot. We are going to MAGCon again which is here in virginia. ....

                                I am now next in line  for Matt and Carter's Meet and greet. After the Blonde girls Hugged Matt and Carter the took pictures and then left. "Oh Hey! How are you Jess?" Carter said. Yes. The boys are familiar with me. But i'm not friends with any of them. I smiled "Just the Same Jess" I replied. I walked towards them. "Hey Jess!" Matt hugged me. "Hey jen!" Then he Hugged Jena. You see matt never knew what i do and we live in the same Street. Cause i'm not the type of fangirl who stalks the guys. We took a couple of pictures again. Then i felt Matt put something in my hand secretly. He smiled and i smiled back.I put it in my pocket. I said Goodbyes and walked to the next line with Nash and Cam.....

                                    "yehey we're home! That one was a very tiring one" Jena said when we came home from the event. Thousands of Girls showed up."Yes it is" I slammed myself in the couch... I was about to fell asleep when i remembered the paper matt gave me.I pull it out of my pocket and opened it. It's a note. It says Hey jess.I found out we live in the same street. The boys will be staying in for a week. Call me?   then he wrote his number. I quickly called it because i don't want him to think that i ignored him. "hello?" he picked up. "Hey it's jess" I said. "O Hey! I thought you wouldn't call" "Are you kidding me? Who wouldn't want to call the Matthew Espinosa?" He laughed. "Can i come over?" "If you want to. Number 28 same street as you." "Okay be there in 5" Then i hung up. 

                                       Since Jena is already asleep at the couch infront me. I grabbed a blanket and pillow and place it on her. Then the bell rung. I walk over to the door and opened it. I saw matt. "Hey. Come in" i whispered. and i point jena who is sleeping in the couch. He stayed quiet and smiled. I lead him to my room because i don't want to wake jena up.He sat down on my computer chair while i sat down on my bed. Okay this is really awkward. 

                                     "So Jess. Thank you forr being in every magcon" He smiled."It's what i do" I said and smiled too. Then again. Awkward air invades us.After a couple of minutes. "Okay listen jess. I actually came here. because i know what happened to you family" He said. My smile slowly faded."I'm sorry" He said and sat down beside me. My eyes started to water up.He held my wrist and i flinched. He look at me with curiosity invading his mind. Then i started to cry. He hugged me. Then he rolled up my sleeves. exposing my cuts. "I Understand why you cut." He said 

                                     "I just can't take it anymore. I hate when i get bullied.I hate it when sam leaved usto be famous. I hate it when my family died. because they protected me when the plane crashed.I am the reason they died. Sometime i wish i die--" "Don't say that!" Matt yelled. "Jess. Everything happens for a reason. You will someday realize that dying and cutting is not worth it.And all the hate? Don't listen jess. You are unique and beautiful. You shouldn't let others treat you like crap." He hugged me again. He cupped my face and brushed his thumb across my cheek. "You beautiful Okay?" I simply nodded. 

Since that day i never cut. Matt is always by my side. He never let anything bad happen to me. And so does the other boys. They make me feel safe. But i know one day they will have to leave me alone. But for now i will be enjoying this moment. 

I used the names of my favorite american idol singers =)))) Thank you!

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