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Julian stood next to Finn in a football huddle. As shocking as it might seem, he actually liked being on the football team. It's helped him to him express his masculine side, and it has kept him in good shape. Coming together with the team and winning their first game made him feel good. Like maybe he was more than the kid who's been suspended multiple times for starting fights or lighting homework pages on fire.

"Alright," said Finn. "Let's try reverse chair on two."

"Let's not," said Azimio.

"Hey, Azimio, I'm the quarterback. I call the plays."

"Yeah, well, some of the guys were talking, and we're starting to question your leadership ability. Like maybe you're having trouble making good choices, as in, for instance, choosing to join Homo Explosion."

"Does he need to remind you that Glee Club helped us win the first game of the season?" Julian asked.

"What has Finn done for me lately?" Azimio asked. "We're taking a bunch of heat because he likes kissing dudes all of a sudden. You're not being a team player, Finn. Can't believe you were man enough to knock up Quinn Fabray. You sure a real man didn't sneak in there and do it for you?"

"That's it!" Finn yelled, charging and tackling Azimio to the ground. The two started wrestling on the grass, and Coach Tanaka ran over, blowing his whistle when he heard all the commotion.

"Break it up!" the football coach yelled. "Get up! Calm down everybody! On the sidelines and take a knee!"

Adalynn watched with a smirk on her face as the football players get yelled at by Coach Tanaka. Julian looked over at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him. He flipped her off before turning his attention back to his coach.

"Morons," Adalynn chuckled. She looked over to where the Cheerios were practicing on the other side of the field, and noticed that Quinn seemed to be having a hard time with the jumps and gymnastics tricks.

"Little Adalynn!" Julian called from the bottom of the bleachers. "Get down here!"

"Why don't you make me?" she called back, smirking as her cousin sighed and walked up the steps to where she was sitting.

"You better wipe that smirk off your face," said Julian. "Coach is making us choose between football and Glee Club."


Bailey was walking down the hall when she heard a rustling noise coming from one of the lockers. She furrowed her brows and headed in the direction of the sound, coming to a stop at her sister's locker.

"Hey, Bailey Bay," Brittany chirped as she walked up next to her sister.

"Britt, why is their noise coming from your locker?" the younger girl asked, looking at her sister confusedly.

"Can you keep a secret?" the cheerleader asked with a small smile. She leaned in and whispered, "I have a bird in my locker."

"Are you crazy?" Bailey asked, her voice coming out louder than intended.

"Shh." Brittany put a hand over her sister's mouth. "You're gonna scare Kiwi. She doesn't like loud noises."

"You named it?"

"Yeah, it's a living thing like you and be, Bays. Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Yeah, of course. I won't say a thing." Bailey waved goodbye to her sister and headed down the hall.

"Hey, Bailey," Santana smiled at the younger girl.

"Hey, Tana," the blonde smiled. "Oh, did you know that Brittany has a bird in her locker?"

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