Get It Right

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Bailey felt like a failure.

She had a meeting with a bunch of producers, where she played them her song Welcome to New York. She was really proud of the song and thought it had a nice beat to it, but they didn't feel the same and rejected it.

She tossed her purse aside as soon as she got home and flopped down on the couch next to Oreo, who immediately sensed that something was wrong. He went over to her and gently licked her hand, wiggling his little nub tail when the blonde scratched him behind the ears.

"It must be nice being a dog," Bailey said as she pulled the frenchie into her lap. "Huh, Oreo? You don't have to worry about your songs being rejected by a room full of old white dudes."


"Yeah, yeah, I know."

She sighed and hugged Oreo close to her. She kissed the top of his head and rubbed up and down his back to try and calm her mind from its racing thoughts.

"Mommy!" Ava screamed as she ran in from Julian's apartment, tripping a little as she made her way to her mom. "Mommy, I has to tell you a secret."

"Ava, no!" Maya said as she ran in, tackling her twin to the floor. "Lulu said we donts tell."

"You hurted me!" Ava whined as she rolled over on top of Maya. "May-May, you hurted me, bitch!"

"Girls!" Bailey raised her voice. She stood up and pulled Ava off of Maya as she tried to hit her. "We don't attack or curse at our siblings, okay? Stop the violence."

"But, Mommy, she mean," the younger twin pouted.

"I not mean!" Maya gasped.

"You hurted me!" Ava yelled.

"Cause you try an' tell!"

"Tell what?" Bailey asked as she looked between her two daughters, who fell dead silent.

"I has a secret," Maya whispered, holding a finger to her lips. "Me and Ava no tell."

"What kind of secret?" Bailey asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Lulu's secret," Ava giggled as she laid down on top of Oreo.

"What's her secret?"

"She said we no tell," Maya shook her head. "Es a secret."

"Oh, it's that kind of secret," Bailey nodded in understanding as the twins did the same. She had a feeling she knew what the secret was, but she couldn't be sure.

"Hey, Bay," Tina said as she walked through the front door. "Hi, twins."

"Mama, did Lulu tell you ta secret?" Maya asked.

"What secret?" Tina asked as she sat down next to Bailey on the couch.

"Noting," Maya smiled innocently as Ava giggled.

"Okay then," Tina said with a slight chuckle. "Oh, Bailey, how did it go with the producers?"

"They didn't like it," the blonde sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Donts be sad, Mommy," Ava said as she rolled off of Oreo and crawled into her mom's lap.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Bails," Tina frowned as she rubbed the blonde's back.

"It's whatever," Bailey shrugged. "It just feels like I'm never gonna get it right."

"Don't get too down about this," Tina said as she scooted closer to her girlfriend and put an arm around her. "You're gonna get it right. You can't tell yourself that you won't, cause then you'll start to believe it. You just have to have a positive outlook and tell yourself that you can."

"You're seriously the greatest," Bailey said with a small smile.

"I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what," Tina smiled. "Who cares if they didn't like it? All that matters is what those of us who are closest to you think. It's their loss. You're a star, Bailey."

"You can do it, Mommy," Maya grinned.

"Yeah," Ava nodded with a smile.

"Now, I don't want to see any tears from you, Bailey Reese Pierce," Tina said matter-of-factly, making the blonde chuckle. "It's gonna happen soon. You know how I know that?"

"Cause you're psychic?" Bailey gasped.

"Because I know what you're capable of," Tina smiled. "You're an amazing writer, Bay. I know you're gonna come up with a new song that those guys are going to love. You just have to find the right motivation, and that's what I'm here for."

"And me!" Maya chirped.

"Me too," Ava smiled.

Bailey smiled softly as she hugged Tina and the twins. Sometimes she wonders what she did to deserve such an amazing family. She had two beautiful daughters, the best big sister in the world, and the most amazing girlfriend.

As long as they believed in her, she knew she'd be able to face whatever life threw at her as she worked towards reaching her dream.

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