The Purple Piano Project

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"Quinnie, you're not actually going through with this, right?" Adalynn asked as Quinn added pink hair dye and every piece of dark clothing she could find into the shopping cart.

"Yup," Quinn confirmed as they headed to the self-checkout. "I'm finally finding who I am."

"A punk poser?" the younger girl snorted. "Lucy, that's not you."

"You can't convince me otherwise, Adalynn," the blonde said as she began scanning the items. "I've made up my mind."

"Okay, whatever," Adalynn shrugged as she tossed a pack of gummy bears into the cart, smiling innocently when Quinn gave her a look. "You owe me, remember?"

"You're lucky you're cute."


Walking into the school on the first day was like being escorted to a secret agent facility. Brittany, Santana, Adalynn, and Tina all formed a perimeter around Bailey to keep her and the twins safe from being exposed to Jacob Ben Israel's stupid blog.

"Miss Pierce!"

"Get lost, JBI," Santana spat, shoving the younger boy away.

"Miss Pierce, how has life changed since the birth of your bastard twins?" Jacob asked, shoving his microphone past Tina and Adalynn and into Bailey's face. "Is it true that you're dating the Lima Loser dad?"

"I said get lost, Jacob," Santana said through gritted teeth.

"If you dare lay one finger on her, I swear..." Tina threatened, pointing a finger at the gossip blogger.

"Guys, it's fine," Bailey said, handing Ava to Brittany so that she could comfort a whining Maya. "In all honesty, life couldn't be any better. And, no, Julian and I aren't dating. I mean, we did for a little while, but then we decided that we were trying to make it work for the sake of the twins, so now we're just friends."

"Adalynn, what do you have to say about the new additions to the family?" Jacob asked, holding the mic out to the younger Hummel.

"I love these little angels more than anything," Adalynn said as she took Maya's tiny hand in hers. "Tina and I spent the whole summer making them matching outfits, and each one has their first name initial sewn in so that we can tell them apart."

"That was my idea," Tina chimed in, pointing to the little 'm' on Maya's jumper. "Each outfit is themed for each season, so all the fall outfits are a mix of different shades of browns and reds and oranges."

"The winter one's are my favorite," Adalynn commented. "We made them red and white jumpers for Christmas, and they look pretty cute."

"Could you maybe send me some pictures for my blog?" Jacob asked.

"Fudge no," Santana scoffed. "You are not exploiting my god twins on the internet."

"Yeah, it's not gonna happen," Brittany agreed. "And, trust me, you don't want to face the wrath of an angry god mother."

"You really don't," Tina said, shaking her head.

"You saw it here first," Jacob said as he turned to the camera. "Hey, have you guys seen Kurt and Rachel?"

"They're in the choir room," Adalynn said as they started to walk away to get ready for the first day of school. "Bay, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Bailey said as they approached her locker. "Okay, so, the twins are gonna hang out in Sue's office for the first half of the day," she said as she looked at the twins' schedule. "I'll take them for lunch and 5th period, Tina and Adalynn will take them 6th period, then Santana and Brittany will take them 7th, and then we'll all meet up for Glee Club."

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