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Pulling down the long sleeves of one of the hoodies she stole from Quinn before she left for Yale, Adalynn walked into William McKinley High School with her head hung low. She kept her gaze on her feet as she navigated through the crowded hallway.

It felt like she was losing everything in her life.

Quinn was too busy for her.

Kurt was in New York.

Finn had been MIA for months.

She took a deep breath to calm her thoughts as she approached her locker. The last thing she needed right now was for her overactive brain to overwhelm her and ruin her senior year.

"Hey," Marjorie said with a smile as she approached the shorter brunette.

"What do you want?" Adalynn asked coldly as she put her things away.

She knew what she wanted.

She blew her off.

"You blew me off."

"No shit, Sherlock," the actress scoffed, closing her locker and walking away from the taller girl.

"Adalynn, wait," Jori said as she rushed to catch up to her. "I'm not upset or anything. I just–"

"Look, agreeing to meet up with you was a mistake, that's why I didn't show up yesterday," Adalynn said as she headed up the stairs. "Besides, I thought I made it very clear. There's someone else, and you know who that is."

"Your girlfriend who hasn't called you?" Jori scoffed, smirking when Adalynn turned around to glare at her.


"I'm not afraid of your ivy league girlfriend," Jori said with a roll of her eyes. "She's not here, and neither are Brandy and Amber. We can be friends, you know."

Hearing the names of her gym class ghosts sent a chill down Adalynn's spine. She had done everything to try and forget about them, and every time she thought she did, someone always brought them up.

"A friend would never do what you're doing," Adalynn said before turning on her heel and heading to her first period.

I really wish I had Finn's letterman jacket to help me feel safe right now.


"As you all know, as national champions we get to host the annual Show Choir Rules Committee meeting," Mr. Schue said as he began the Glee Club meeting.

"Please tell me you're gonna ask what one-third vintage meant last year," Tina said as Bailey nodded.

"Or like why some teams get six songs and others only do one," Sam added with furrowed brows.

"Speaking of competitions, shouldn't we start preparing for ours?" Jake asked.

"I have some ideas, which I'm working on very hard," Mr. Schue said as Julian shook his head and mouthed 'He's not.'

Bailey and Tina exchanged a look as their teacher went on about the 'ideas' he had for sectionals. They both knew he didn't have any.

Ava looked over at Adalynn from her spot in Julian's lap and pouted. She stuck her arm out and made a grabbing motion, soft whines escaping her lips.

Maya sat in Sugar's lap, happily eating the Cheerios that she was feeding her. She did a little happy dance in her seat, making happy babbling noises as Sugar smiled at her.

"Excuse me," Brittany raised her hand.

"Yes, go ahead," Julian quickly said.

"I'm not sure if what Mr. Schue was saying was actually important, because I wasn't listening, but I'd like to make an announcement."

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