Silly Love Songs

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"Quinn Fabgay!"

"Go away, Satan," Quinn said, slamming her locker shut and waking away from Santana.

"Don't walk away from me," Santana said, grabbing Quinn's arm and turning her around to face her.

"What do you want?" the blonde asked, crossing her arms.

"Don't play stupid, tubbers," the Latina scoffed. "I know what you're doing to Adalynn, and you need to back off. Did you know she showed up at Britt's house last night in tears?"

"She what?" Quinn asked, her heart dropping.

"Yeah, that's right. She told us all about how you kissed her and then cut her out. You know exactly what you're doing. You're leading her on and giving her false hope. You've done a lot of really bad things, Fabray, but this is definitely the worst thing you've ever done. So, now she's up for grabs." Santana smirked. "And you don't get any say because you blew it."

"You stay the fuck away from her," Quinn growled through gritted teeth. "She's mine."

"Oh really?" Santana said, her smirk growing. "Well it sure doesn't look like it."

"I mean it, Lopez!" the blonde shouted as the Latina walked away. "Stay away from her!"

An idea formed in Santana's mind as she made her way down the hall. She wasn't gonna let Quinn get away with this, and she knew the perfect way to mess with her. And besides, there's nothing Santana does better than revenge.


"Alright guys," Mr. Schue said as he put a heart around the word 'love.' "I have one word for you."

"Is it 'love?'" Brittany asked, raising her hand. "I'm totally gonna graduate now!"

"Valentine's Day is coming up, so for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're gonna sing to them the world's greatest love song," Mr. Schue explained as Santana smirked, glancing at Adalynn beside her out of the corner of her eye. "Find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up."

"Mr. Schue?" Finn asked, raising his hand. "Can I say something? I just wanted to point out that, for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied. I think the fact that I led the football team to a conference championship might have something to do with it."

"I don't want to sit here and listen to you talk about yourself, Rachel Berry," Julian scoffed, crossing his arms. "You're wasting my time, and I have a pregnant girlfriend to attend to."

"Still not your girlfriend," Bailey shook her head as she unwrapped a root beer flavored lollipop and placed it in her mouth.

"But you could be," Julian smirked.

"Leave my sister alone," Brittany said, hitting the senior on the arm.

"Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee Club has to a celebrity right now," Finn continued. "And just like a famous athlete, I wanna give to a charity. You guys. So, I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch and donating the proceeds to Glee Club to help us–"

"Don't even act like you're trying to help this club," Mercedes interrupted. "You just want to kiss a bunch of girls."

"I've kissed Finn, and I can just say, 'not worth a buck,'" said Santana. "I would, however, pay $100 to jiggle one of his man boobs."

"Do you ever get tired of tearing people down?" Finn asked.

"No, not really," Santana shook her head.

𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐲 | q. fabrayWhere stories live. Discover now