The Break Up

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Quinn held Adalynn close to her as they layed in bed. The younger girl's head rested on the blonde's chest, and Quinn had a protective arm wrapped around her waist while the other lightly rubbed up and down her back.

The brunette relaxed in the older girl's arms. Everything felt like how it was before she moved, and it was almost like those months apart never happened.

"So, how's college?" Adalynn asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yale's great," said Quinn. "It's a challenge, but I love a challenge. I miss you a lot, so that sucks. But other than that, it's great."

"I miss you too," the younger girl sighed as the blonde held her closer. "Are... are the people there nice?"

"Yeah," Quinn nodded.

"I bet they're cooler than me."

"Addie, don't go there."

"I bet the girls there are prettier than me too, and–"

"Adalynn Emilia Hummel," Quinn said, sitting up and forcing the younger girl to look at her. "You can't compare yourself to other people, especially if you're just assuming things about them because they go to an ivy league school. There's no one like you."


Quinn cut her off by tenderly pressing their lips together. Adalynn relaxed, and her worries washed away.

They pulled away after a moment, both girls panting for air. Their foreheads rested together, and the blonde gently caressed the brunette's cheek with the pad of her thumb.

"There's no one else, Addie," Quinn whispered before connecting their lips again and pushing Adalynn down onto the bed.


Marjorie was with Marley at her locker. They were talking about Glee Club and how they both felt like they were having trouble fitting in with the others since they were all so close with one another.

Marley closed her locker after putting her Algebra textbook away, and that's when they saw Kitty with a smirk on her face.

"Hi, boobless. Hey, school slut," the blonde greeted the two. "It's my duty as a soldier of the lord to invite you to McKinley's newest and most important club, the Left Behind Club."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jori asked, furrowing her brows at the flier Kitty handed her.

"Kitty thinks the end of times is coming," said Jake.

"It's a fact that the Book of Revelations predicted Twitter," Kitty retorted. "It's one of the seven signs of the apocalypse, along with porn, unexplainable weather anomalies, Martian rovers, Barney Frank, the Middle East and MSNBC. The Left Behind Club accepts everyone, even losers and lezzies, so your whole Glee Club's invited. You're welcome to join us as long as you're not a Muslim. It's like Kirk Cameron said, 'It's never too late, until it's too late.'"


Adalynn, Quinn, Bailey, and Tina walked into Breadstix for some club Kitty invited them to. Bailey caught sight of raven hair and gasped.


The Latina turned in the direction of the voice and smiled when she saw the trio.

"Bailey, your hair!" Santana gasped as she got up from her seat to hug her girlfriend's little sister.

"I finally learned how to use a hair straightener," Bailey chuckled.

"It looks really good," the older girl smiled at the blonde before hugging Adalynn.

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