Girls (and Boys) on Film

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a/n - this chapter is so bad and it's kind of depressing. trigger warning for self harm.

Adalynn hugged her knees to her chest as the burning water rained down on her and washed her crimson blood down the drain. Tears streamed down her face as she looked between the blade in her hand and the fresh wounds she had just created.

The cuts stung with every drop of water that hit them, and she whimpered as the sharp metal touched her flesh again.

You always ruin everything.

You're unlovable.

No one will miss you.

What would Quinn think? She'd hate you more than she already does.

"Shut up," Adalynn sobbed, running a hand through her wet hair. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."

Adalynn, you have to stop.

Put the blade down.

I can't.

Yes, you can.

Put the blade down.

Go get help.

Everyone's gonna be so mad at me.

No they won't.

Adalynn put the blade on the soap holder before rinsing her arms under the water, which was beginning to turn cold as it had been running for a good 45ish minutes. She slowly stood up before reaching a shaky hand out to turn the water off.

She felt dizzy as she stepped over the tub and onto her fuzzy black bath mat. She wrapped her towel around her torso and took the first aid kit out from under the sink so that she could treat her wounds.

She was an expert at this point.

I want to die.

No, you don't.

It hurts so bad.

All pain is temporary.

I want to die.

You have so much to live for.

Think about the twins. Think about your dad, Kurt, Julian, Finn, Carole... You have great friends and an amazing life ahead of you.

I want to die.

You have to live.

Do it for Ava.


Adalynn hugged Finn's letterman jacket close to her as Mr. Schue wrote 'movies' on the board in big letters before underlining it and turning to the class.

"Everybody loves movies," Mr. Schue declared as he started the lesson. "They don't just tell stories. They transport us to other worlds. They are inspirational. They provide comfort and they help us escape from our day-to-day anxieties."

"Like getting left at the altar?" Kitty smirked as Mr. Schue gave her an unamused look.

"Too soon," Ryder mumbled.

"Exactly," said Mr. Schue. "Or in your guys' case, studying for exams or worrying about regionals."

"Graduation," Bailey mumbled, tears filling her eyes as she leaned her head onto Tina's shoulder.

"For this week's assignment, I want you to pick your favorite songs from your favorite movies."

Everyone cheered as excitement filled the room. Finally a lesson that they'd enjoy.

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