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Graduation was only two weeks away. Adalynn and Bailey had just picked their gowns up from Sue, and they walked into the closest empty classroom to try them on.

"Does it even matter what size it is?" Adalynn asked as she took the lid off the box, revealing the red graduation gown.

"Not really," Bailey shrugged as she slipped her arms through the sleeves. "I just want to try it on to see what it looks like."

"This is so freaky," the brunette mumbled as she zipped her gown up and put the cap on. The two friends turned to face each other, their expressions falling when they realized just how grown up they were now.

They weren't kids anymore.

"Holy crap, I can't believe this is actually happening," Bailey said, her blue eyes filling with tears.

"Yeah, me either," Adalynn nodded. "I never thought I'd make it to 18, let alone graduate. But yet here I am, one suicide attempt and years of cutting later."

"This still doesn't feel real," Bailey mumbled as she crossed her arms and shuffled her shoes on the tile.

"Hey, guys," Tina said as she walked into the classroom, her smile fading when she saw her best friend and girlfriend in their caps and gowns.

"Tina," Bailey sighed as her girlfriend's gorgeous brown eyes filled with tears.

"No, T," Adalynn cooed as she and Bailey walked over to her. "I know this is hard for you, but please don't cry."

"It's gonna be okay," Bailey said as she gently wiped the tears off of Tina's face and kissed her cheek. "It's gonna be okay."

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to you guys yet," Tina sobbed.

"It's not goodbye," Adalynn frowned. "We can all still move to New York together like we talked about. Or somewhere else where we can all live together. The twins too."

"They call graduation 'commencement' because it's not the end of something, it's the beginning," said Bailey.

"They say that so we'll go willingly," Tina scoffed. "Adalynn, you and Kurt used to be so close, Finn and Santana and Britt too. Sometimes Rachel. When was the last time you talked to any of them?"

"Finn's been busy getting a teaching degree, so we don't talk much," Adalynn said as she ran a hand through her hair. "Kurt has NYADA, Rachel's rehearsing for Funny Girl. Santana stopped me from relapsing the last time she was here, and Britt..."

"She's busy with MIT," Bailey mumbled. "She hasn't had time to talk to either of us."

"Mercedes and I haven't spoken in months, and yes, I know we all love each other, but the fact is the glue that keeps high school friendships together is high school," said Tina. "Being around each other everyday, seeing each other in the halls. Whenever something is up, we don't have to do any work to talk to our friends about it. They're right there. As soon as it takes effort, we get lazy. And then we forget and then we just move on. I don't want to fade away."

"Tina, that's not gonna happen," Adalynn said as she pulled the sleeve of her gown up. She held her wrist out, and Bailey did the same.

"We made these bracelets for a reason," Bailey said as she took Tina's hand and pointed to the matching friendship bracelet on her wrist.

"No matter where we go, and no matter what we do, we'll never really lose each other," said Adalynn.

"We have something special. Something that none of these other Lima losers have," Bailey said as she wiped a tear off of Tina's cheek. "I know for a fact that we're gonna remain close after we graduate. It's like Adalynn said, we can all move in together."

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