The Substitute

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Julian and Bailey stood at the front of the living room as they faced Whitney, Pierce, and Burt, who were sitting on the couch.

"Okay, so, um, I'm just gonna go ahead and rip the band-aid off," Bailey said, taking a deep breath. She pulled the ultrasound picture out of her pocket and turned it around to face the adults.

Burt's eyes widened as Whitney and Pierce smiled.

"Bailey got visited by a stork!" Pierce exclaimed. "How amazing! Our first grandbaby!"

"Babies," Julian corrected. "Twin girls."

"Have you kids thought this through?" Burt asked, looking between the two teenagers. "These are real people with human needs. It's a lot of responsibility taking care of a kid, especially two."

"We've talked it over, and we're working on figuring out how to make this co-parenting thing work," Julian explained.

"And you're gonna be there for her?" Burt asked sternly. "You're not gonna be like some of those other guys who get a 15 year old pregnant and then disappear from her life completely?"

"Uncle Burt, I promise I'm not going to do that." The older boy turned to Bailey and took her hands. "I care about you, and I want to be here for you. We can get through this together. I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

"I know," Bailey said, smiling softly at Julian before turning back to her parents and Burt. "I believe Julian when he says he's going to be here for me. I know that this is a huge mistake, but we really need your support to get through this."

"Bailey, honey, you know we support you know matter what," said Whitney. "We're just grateful you won't be giving birth to a bunch of frying pans."

"What?" Julian asked with a small laugh.

"Long story," Bailey chuckled. "But pretty much when I came out as pansexual, they thought I wanted to get married to a pan."

"Which we fully support by the way," said Pierce. "Just as long as you don't marry the toaster. I need that for drying my socks."

Julian looked over at his uncle, who didn't look mad but also didn't look happy. He knew that he had made a huge mistake, but he really didn't want his male role model to be disappointed in him.

"Uncle Burt, I'm so sorry," Julian apologized. "I know that this is probably the worst thing I've ever done, and believe me I feel terrible about it."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Julian," Burt sighed. "I'm definitely not thrilled about this, but after hearing all the drama your cousins told me about last year, I know the best thing to do is to push away my beliefs of right and wrong and be here for you. Both of you."

"Thank you," Julian said as Bailey took his hand, lacing their fingers together. He let out a silent sigh of relief. Everything was out in the open and there was nothing to hide anymore. Now they just had to survive these next few months and do everything in their power to be ready for the fight of their lives when the babies were born.


"Alright guys, um... time to start thinking about song selections," Mr. Schue said as he wrote on the board. He turned around and stared blankly at the kids.

"What sort of drugs is he on now?" Julian whispered to Bailey, who giggled.

"Is he high?" Adalynn asked in a whisper to Quinn. "Who gave Mr. Shoelaces permission to teach here?"

"Figgins, most likely," Quinn whispered. "Which explains a lot when you think about it."

"Mr. Schuester, you look a little green," Mercedes spoke up.

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