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"You're late."

"I know," Mercedes said as she came into the auditorium. "I overslept."

"It's 4:30 in the afternoon," Quinn said, furrowing her brows.

"My alarm clock went off 30 minutes late this morning. Kind of shifted my whole schedule," Mercedes explained. "Anyway, what's Santana doing here?"

"I've resworn my allegiance to the Glee Club," Santana sighed. "Without telling Coach Sue."

"Mercedes, I'll catch you up," Mike said as he took her aside. Brad began to play the beat on the piano. "Five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six–"

Mercedes whimpered and ran over to the trash bin, gripping onto the sides.

"Please not another pregnancy," Quinn mumbled as she picked Ava up. "We don't need anymore baby drama."

"But then we wouldn't have these little cuties," Tina said as she kissed Maya's cheek.

"Give me my godchild," Santana said, taking the baby out of Tina's hands. "It's my turn to hold her."

"Bailey, who's the godmother?" Tina asked, turning to the blonde. "Cause Sue, Adalynn, and Santana all think it's them."

"I think Ada's technically their first cousin," Bailey said as she handed Quinn Ava's baby blanket. The baby reached for it and gripped it tightly in her little hands. "And as for the godmother goes... I don't know. You're all their godmothers. The more the merrier, you know?"

"Except for the fact that they're my god twins," Santana shrugged as she lightly tapped Maya's nose, making the baby smile.

"Mercedes, are you okay?" Mr. Schue asked.

"My stomach hurts," said Mercedes. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Why are you babying her?" Santana scoffed. "I mean she can't do three steps without puking cause she ate a Quiznos before she showed up in this joint."

"Mr. Schue, you have us scheduled to the second right now," Mercedes whined. "With school, Glee Club, and booty camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

"When the rest of us do," said Santana.

"Oh, like you eat!" Mercedes snapped.

"It's not about eating," said Mr. Schue. "It's about attitude. Sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all–"

"I'm doing my best," said Mercedes.

"No, you're not," said Mr. Schue. "It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better."

"Don't you think you're putting too much pressure on her?" Bailey asked. "On all of us? We're still just kids."

Mr. Schue turned and gave the younger Pierce a look. He clenched his jaw and pointed a finger at her.

"You watch your attitude," the teacher said. "It's not your place to tell me how to run my club."

"Alright, you know what–"

"Santana, stop," Kurt said, grabbing the Latina's arm and pulling her back. He took Maya out of her hands, and Santana shot him a glare. "Baby safety first."


Bailey had just dropped the twins off in Sue's office to hang out there while she helped her sister with her student council presidency campagne. She walked down the hall with Brittany and Santana, and they approached Kurt and Rachel at their lockers.

"Nice blouse, Hummel," Santana smirked. "It really brings out the color of your pink eye."

"So I assume I can rely on your vote, Rachel?" Brittany asked the diva.

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