After the break up

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Once Leon went home after breaking up with Violetta, he made it home and rested on the bed until his mom shouted upstairs that he had a guest, but he wasn't in the mood for guests.

He heard someone knock on the door, and when he said to come in Ludmila walked in.

Leon: *Sits up* Oh and I thought my day couldn't get any worse, what do you want Ludmila?

Ludmila: I felt bad for you breaking up with Violetta and I thought instead of you moping around about a girl who isn't worth it, why don't we have some fun like the good old days?

Leon: What? Are you insane? I just broke up with Violetta, and you want me to have sex with you? Why so you can go around and brag that we slept together?

Ludmila: Oh, come on Leon, I bet the old Lion is fighting to get out right now.

As she crawled up towards him and kissed him at first he wasn't going to kiss her but he did after a while, as Ludmila started unbuttoning his shirt and put her hands around his neck, Leon leaned over her.

Leon: You know this wrong right?

Ludmila: *Pulls him close* But, it feels so right, you and I back on top again.

As they continued they were then laying in bed and Ludmila's head was on Leon's bare chest Leon regretted every minute of it but enjoyed it.

Ludmila: What are you thinking?

Leon: Ludmila, what are you up to?

Ludmila: Nothing, I just came over here to cheer you up, come on Lion a girl like her shouldn't get you so upset, she just enjoys letting guys suffer it's who she is.

Leon: Oh and what about you hmm?

Ludmila: What about me?

Leon: Well, you got over Tomas quickly it was only earlier on you were shouting at him?

Ludmila: Please he couldn't make up his mind besides he was never going to get over Violetta and I can't seem to replace you.

Leon: Ludmila Susana Ferro trying to replace me, you'll never replace me, as I'm irreplaceable.

Ludmila: Don't I know it?

She kissed his lips again and rested in his arms, as she closed her eyes Leon couldn't help but think of Violetta and he knew doing this with Ludmila was wrong as he could never go back to the way he was, or could he?

Ludmila: Good night, my lion.

Leon: Good night, Ludmila.

As they fell asleep, they separated from each other in the night and were asleep on either side, Leon was sleeping on his side and Ludmila was holding his waist as she was facing his back.

A/N: ~
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Will Violetta find out what Leon did?

Is Ludmila going to make Violetta suffer?

What about Leon and Ludmila will they try things again?

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