Leon, I need to tell you something

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As Violetta was singing her song Diego walked in singing with her of course she was happy to see him.

Diego: Hey, it's sounding good, my love.

Violetta: Thank you, it's getting there but I just want to thank you for helping me with the lyrics without you I wouldn't have been able to write it.

Diego: Hey, I would always help my girl whenever I can, what are you doing after class?

Violetta: I can't do anything as I'm still practising my song sorry, but I need you to promise me something, Diego?

Diego: What?

Violetta: Please don't tell Leon you wrote the lyrics.

Diego: Why not? Is it a secret that your boyfriend helped you with your song?

Violetta: No, it's just I should be the one to tell him not you or anyone else, please just promise me.

Diego: Okay, I promise my love, I won't say a word.

Violetta: Thank you, but I need to practise I'll see you later.

Diego: Okay, I love you, my love.

Violetta: See you later.

He left and Violetta shook her head while biting her lips.

After Diego left, Beto came into the class to help her with her song, meanwhile, Ludmila was talking to Leon about the song but he wasn't paying attention

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After Diego left, Beto came into the class to help her with her song, meanwhile, Ludmila was talking to Leon about the song but he wasn't paying attention.

Ludmila: Right Leon?

Leon: ...

Ludmila: Leon? Are you there baby?

Leon: Hmm, yeah I'm listening.

Ludmila: Oh, yeah what am I talking about then?

Leon: Uh...

Ludmila: See you're not listening, I'm telling you about the song that I'm singing instead of Francesca and your somewhere else where's your mind? Are you thinking about Violetta again?

Leon: *Puts his hand around her waist* Sorry, I was thinking about the studio and motocross, no baby I'm not thinking about Violetta, but I have an idea.

Ludmila: Hmm, what?

Leon: What do you say after class we get some lunch and then you can tell me all about the song or anything that's on your mind and I promise I will listen to you.

Ludmila: *Teases him with his buttons* Or we could do something else, you know this is the longest I've had my clothes on Leon.

Leon: Baby, my foot is still in pain I can't even walk much, but I got to go to class I will see you later.

Ludmila went to class and Leon did, while Violetta was in the zoom talking to Camila.

Camila: So you sang the song with your boyfriend and then you made him promise not to tell to Leon that he wrote the lyrics?

In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Where stories live. Discover now