A new song

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Leon ~
It was a new day Pablo assigned us to write a new song I was working on mine as I still hadn't any words but I working on the music, my foot was still painful when I walked on it and Ludmila was singing Francescsa's song after Francesca got kicked out of class I only know that as Ludmila was bragging about it to me.

When I walked into the studio I saw Violetta in the music room I thought I would walk in and see how she was.

Leon: Hey, what are you doing here own your own?

Violetta: I was just practicing my new song.

Leon: Ah, for Pablo's assignment?

Violetta: Yeah, but How's your foot?

Leon: Mm it's still painful but it's fine.

Violetta: How are you in the studio if your in agony?

Leon: I just can't do dance class but I'm fine.

Violetta: How's it going with Ludmila?

Leon: Fine, she's just her diva self you know, how are you and Diego?

Violetta: Fine, but he's not you, Leon, I just don't want you to think that I can replace you because I'm not, no one will ever come close to you.

Leon: Violetta...

Violetta: No, Leon, I know we have to move on but I just wanted you know that Diego isn't going to replace you not ever.

Leon: I know, I understand, just calm down, *Walks up to the piano*

Violetta: I know what will me calm down, one of your hugs but know that isn't appropriate no because it will make things complicated.

Leon: *Reads the music sheets* "I know that love has a master plan and taken me by the hand" is that new?

Violetta: Yeah it is, it's just wasn't sure on this but of the lyrics as the other day...

Leon: *Looks at his watch* Sorry I just remembered I have class tell me later.

As he left Violetta watched him leave as she didn't tell him that the lyrics were Diego's even though it shouldn't matter to him since Diego is her boyfriend but she still felt weird for telling Leon about another guy.

As Leon was in class, Ludmila was in Pablo class and was singing Francesca's song "Being stars".

Francesca wasn't happy that everyone was on Ludmila's side and not hers as she knows she was wrong to confront Ludmila but she didn't find it fair that Ludmila was singing her song that she wrote.

Violetta was in the music room singing her song while Camila walked in to see her.

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