After the show

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Violetta ~
After the show the audience cheered at us while we took a bow and went off stage, it was a great show night but now it's the end of the studio we are now on vacation which means Francesca is going back to Italy with Luca while Leon and Ludmila are going on holiday together, I'm going to be concentrating on my school stuff since Angie is living with us again she is tutoring me again

As I woke up I could someone beside me as their breath was on my neck which tickled, when I turned around I saw Leon oh no not again we promised we wouldn't do this again, and we are bare.

Leon: *Half asleep* Oh no, not again.

Violetta: Leon, what is going on with us? We did it once and then we did it again now we keep doing this.

Leon: *Moves his arm* We have to stop meeting like this, what happened last night I feel like I can't remember what happened.

Violetta: We did the show and then we celebrated back at the studio I don't know if we were drinking or not, but I don't know how we landed in bed.

Leon: I probably walked you home and then something probably happened.

Violetta: Ludmila!!! Oh my god, we did it again to her.

Leon: I'm supposed to be packing as we are leaving this afternoon.

Violetta: You better get up and go before she finds out your not home.

Leon: *Gets dressed* We have to stop doing this.

Violetta: Why do we keep doing this?

Leon: I don't know, I guess it happens when you love someone.

Violetta: No, you're supposed to love Ludmila not me.

Leon: Do you think so?

Violetta: I know so.

Leon grabbed his jacket and Violetta put her dressing gown on after putting her Pyjama and vest on, Leon walked downstairs and sneaked out of the kitchen door, while Violetta sat down at the breakfast table.

Herman: Morning honey.

Violetta: Morning, dad.

Herman: The show was so well last night and you were incredible, your mom would've been proud of you.

Violetta: Thank you, dad I'm just glad you let me do the show because I know how much you feel about music and I understand it brings back memories of mom but I promise I will be careful I just want to do what I was born to do.

Angie: Good morning and good morning to the star of the show, you were amazing *Kisses her cheek*

Violetta: Thank you, Angie, I will eat breakfast and then I will get ready for lessons this morning.

Angie: Okay, breakfast first and then lessons.

Ramallo: Good morning, oh Herman we have a meeting today.

Herman: Okay, let's go, see you later.

Meanwhile, Violetta and Angie were doing their lessons and Leon went home to pack ready for his holiday with Ludmila, as he got home he saw Ludmila sitting on the sofa.

Leon: Hey, my love what are you doing here?

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Leon: Hey, my love what are you doing here?

Ludmila: Where have you been?

Leon: Huh?

Ludmila: Where have you been? As your mom said your bed hasn't been slept in. You were with her again, weren't you?

Leon: No, I slept over Andres.

Ludmila: Andres? But he went home on his own.

Leon: Yeah, and then I went over his.

Ludmila: Your lying, Leon Vargas I know when your lie and you are lying.

Leon: Look, I have packing to do.

Ludmila: Oh you think I'm going to go on holiday with a boyfriend who likes sleeping with his ex-girlfriend?

Leon: Fine, then don't come I can go on my own.

Ludmila: So you're just going to leave me here.

Leon: Look come, don't come, trust me or don't trust me I don't care, now if you excuse me I'm going to pack.

Leon went upstairs to pack and Ludmila sat on the sofa thinking about Leon, but she knew letting him go is just letting Violetta win, so she went upstairs and walked into his bedroom and saw him closing his suitcase as he turned towards her Ludmila kissed him before he could say anything.

Ludmila: I trust you, Leon, letting you go is just letting Violetta win and I'm not giving you up that easy.

Leon: Good, now let's get to the airport before we miss our flight.

Ludmila: Can you tell me where we are going?

Leon: How about Mexico?

Ludmila. You're taking me to Mexico?

Leon: Of course, why wouldn't I?

They kissed again and made their way down to Leon's dad's car, he drove to the airport and they checked in as they were about to go through security Violetta came and shouted his name loudly.

Violetta: Leon!!! Wait!!!

Ludmila: What does she want?

Leon: Wait here, *Gives her his bag*

Ludmila: Leon, we are going to miss our flight.

Leon: Hey, we're fine, I won't be a minute.

As he walked over to Violetta he knew he couldn't do anything as Ludmila was there.

Leon: What? Violetta?

Violetta: Leon, don't go with her.

Leon: What? Where is this coming from? I thought you didn't want us to do this anymore.

Violetta: I love you, Leon. I love you.

Leon: Violetta, I can't do this right now, I have to get on a flight.

Violetta: I'm telling you how I feel Leon, and that's all you can say to me?

Leon: What don't you get when I say I'm with Ludmila?

Violetta: You with Ludmila? Then how come you keep landing up in my bed and not hers?

Leon: Shh, keep your voice down.

Violetta: I will shout it through the airport, I LOVE YOU LEON VARGAS!!!

Everyone started staring and Ludmila was confused about what was going on until Leon turned and looked at her.

Leon: Violetta, I got to go.

Ludmila: Leon!!! Let's go we're going to miss our flight.

Leon: I'm coming, look Violetta maybe this is how we are meant to end, we need to close the chapter of our story and move on.

Violetta: *Lets her tears run down* But...

Leon: You have to let go and let yourself find someone else, I'm sorry.

He went over to Ludmila and grabbed his bag as Ludmila made her to the escalator Leon looked back at Violetta and Ludmila turned her back thinking he was behind her, Leon ran back to Violetta and kissed her one last time, and then ran up the escalator to Ludmila.

A/N: ~
Thank you for reading

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