Ludmila tells Violetta

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Ludmila ~
I woke up with my hand around someone's waist as I looked over I saw Leon, he was so handsome when he was sleeping that I forgot how much I loved being in bed with him when we were together, I moved my arm gently trying not to wake him up, I got dressed and made my way to the studio since I had a plan how to make Violetta suffer for good.

When I went to the Studio I saw Naty sitting on the bench as I sat down beside her.

Naty: Ludmila, where have you been?

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Naty: Ludmila, where have you been?

Ludmila: With Lion.

Naty: Oh *Realises what she said* Wait you were with Leon? But he's getting over Violetta and he would never get back together with you.

Ludmila: Ah, but that's where your wrong Naty, where I think he's forgotten all about Violetta since he slept with me last night, you know I have to say I missed being with Leon.

Naty: Oh no, you're not going to tell Violetta are you? Because that would destroy them for good.

Ludmila: That is exactly what I'm going to do, Naty.

She linked her arm with her and they walked into the studio.

Leon then came to the Studio and Federico walked up to him

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Leon then came to the Studio and Federico walked up to him.

Federico: I heard about you and Violetta's break up

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Federico: I heard about you and Violetta's break up.

Leon: Oh, what's it got to do with you?

Federico: Nothing.

In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Where stories live. Discover now