Ludeon's date

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Leon ~
I've been spending most of the afternoon getting prepared for mine and Ludmila's date, I just hope Violetta doesn't find out as the guys were right it was only yesterday, I was telling Tomas that Violetta and I were getting back together and now here I am organising a date for the supernova, what is going through my head right now?

It was nearly 8:00 pm I thought I would go home to get a smarter shirt since I still had the shirt I wore at the Studio. After getting changed I asked my dad if I could borrow his car when I didn't want to ride my Motorbike over to Ludmila's or could I. I better not otherwise she'll not be happy as she is saying the supernova crap at me.

I grabbed my dad's car keys and drove to Ludmila's house I rooted outside, and she came out in a beautiful gown, sh*t I didn't think to dress up that much, I just threw a shirt on I hoped she was not expecting a restaurant.

Leon's outfit ~

Ludmila's outfit ~

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Ludmila's outfit ~

As she walked up to the car and stood by the car door I was wondering why she wasn't getting in and then it hit me she wanted me to open the door for her, I leaned over and opened the door from inside

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As she walked up to the car and stood by the car door I was wondering why she wasn't getting in and then it hit me she wanted me to open the door for her, I leaned over and opened the door from inside.

Ludmila: *Holds the door* About time, I thought you weren't going to open the door for me.

Leon: You need someone to open a door for you? What's wrong with you opening the door yourself?

Ludmila: What happened to the gentleman who used to date Violetta I'm sure you opened the car door for her.

Leon: Not really, she always did things herself, she was more holding the door for me *Laughs*

Ludmila: *Nervously Laughs* You see why girls want to be with you, Leon, but I have to say you could've at least dressed up a bit.

Leon: Hey, I didn't think you were going to properly dress up.

Ludmila: It's date Leon, what have you planned anyway?

Leon: I might've planned something.

Ludmila: You know I don't like surprises, Leon Vargas.

In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Where stories live. Discover now