We did it again

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Instead of Violetta going home she went to Leon's house and they did it again, Leon didn't know what he was doing anymore as he is supposed to be forgetting Violetta instead he was sleeping with her, but Violetta doesn't want to leave him alone.

Leon: Violetta, wake up.

Violetta: Mm, Leon.

Leon: We need to stop meeting like this, we are supposed to forget each other instead you keep landing in my bed.

Violetta: I kissed Tomas yesterday.

Leon: What? So if you kissed Tomas what are you doing in bed?

Violetta: I can't be with him, Leon.

Leon: Why not? You couldn't make up your mind ages ago.

Violetta: Because you are the one I want to be with.

Leon: We can't.

Violetta: But you can sleep with me but you can't be with me?

Leon: Violetta, things never go well when we are together as for this we are both just enjoying the company and nothing else.

Violetta: It's because of Ludmila isn't it? Leon do you love her?

Leon: Far from it.

Violetta: Then can't you be with me, you cheating on her anyhow by kissing me and sleeping with me.

Leon: Violetta...

She kissed him and they started doing it again but Leon pushed her away gently.

Leon: This is wrong of us, Violetta be with Tomas move on from me, I'm not good for you.

Violetta: But you are, your all I want and I know I never knew what I wanted but it's you and it's always been you, Leon, your the one who brings music into my life.

Leon: But, you've never been able to make up your mind, why now?

Violetta: Leon, it's just taken me a while to decide who is going to put my music in my life and when I sing with you, your right I feel the same way but with you it's an amazing feeling.

Leon: Are you sure this is what you want? You're not going to change your mind?

Violetta: Yes, Leon I want this, I'm not going to change my mind, Please I love you.

Leon hugged her tightly and Violetta started to fall asleep on his shoulder, but Leon was thinking if he was doing the right thing or whether he should be with Ludmila and leave Violetta alone as he was hurting one person here and that was Ludmila.

Leon: We better get up as we have the studio.

Violetta: Okay, even though I'm comfy.

Leon: The end of the year show is in two days.

Violetta: I know, Leon.

They got dressed and made their way to the studio, Leon went to see the boys while Violetta was talking with the girls.

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In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Where stories live. Discover now