The show

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Ludmila was in the singing room with Antonio and Pablo as she wanted to sing with Leon instead of singing with someone else.

Ludmila: Since Violetta and Leon aren't together anymore, can't I sing with Leon instead because if you think about it could be so awkward on stage as they aren't together.

Pablo: No, Ludmila because just because Violetta and Leon aren't together anymore doesn't mean they can't be professional Ludmila, besides you wouldn't even be in this show if we didn't find you a song.

Ludmila: But I need to be with Leon as I'm his girlfriend, not Violetta.

Antonio: Ludmila, you are singing a duet with Maxi and that is final, if you don't like it then don't bother showing up.

Ludmila: I will turn up, I'll just be in the audience to see my boyfriend but you will regret this.

She left leaving them alone and Violetta bumped into her accidentally.

Ludmila: Watch where you are going. Oh, it's you, isn't it awkward singing with your ex-boyfriend? Don't you think you should tell Antonio and Pablo that someone else should sing with Leon and not you?

Violetta: Ludmila, Leon and I are going to sing together whether you like it or not, who knows maybe we will get back together.

Ludmila: Violetta, Leon doesn't want you back, can't you tell.

Violetta: if that's true why did he sleep with me? Twice, and you know what he enjoyed it probably better than when your with him.

Ludmila: He wouldn't sleep with you, your a virgin Leon wouldn't do it with you.

Violetta: I was a Virgin but not anymore Ludmila, Leon was my first boyfriend, my first kiss and my first time.

Ludmila: He is my first love Violetta, you think he was your first everything, he is my first everything too.

Violetta: Thing is with Leon is he never loved you like loves me.

Ludmila: We did love each other you might not have seen it when you came to the studio but we're falling apart but we did love each other, Violetta.

Violetta: He even told you he never loved you Ludmila he told me he never loved you he wouldn't make that up.

Ludmila: If he didn't love me, why would he be with me?

Violetta walked off and Ludmila saw Leon nearly walking out the door as she gripped his hand.

Leon: Ludmila, What do you want I have to do things before the show.

Ludmila: Answer me this, did you sleep with Violetta?

Leon: What? No.

Ludmila: Are you lying?

Leon: What's brought this on?

Ludmila: Violetta told me that you slept with her twice, is she lying? Did you? Tell me the truth.

Leon: Okay, fine, yes but it was only twice then we said that it was best for us not to do again, look I moved on but whenever I'm near Violetta who talk to Violetta I still feel a very strong bond with her I can't help it, she was important to me, Ludmila just like Tomas was important to you, but I made a decision and that was to be with you, I don't regret it.

Ludmila: I understand but do you love me? Like I love you or not?

Leon: Ludmila, things went complicated between us as at the beginning we were ending as you started falling for another guy and I started falling for Violetta what does that tell us? If we fell for other people then maybe it meant we didn't love each other as we thought.

Ludmila: Do you love me or Violetta? Because I love you not Tomas.

Leon: Yes, Ludmila I love you but I love Violetta more, but with time I'm sure I will learn to love you more than Violetta.

Ludmila hugged him and he hugged her back, it was then time for the show after Leon did the things he needed to do, Violetta was late for the show as her dad was being defiant and wouldn't let her do the show, as for the kids they started the show and Luca and Rafa started to sing "come and sing".

After the song, it was then the boys turn to sing "Are you ready for the ride"

Then the show went on as Camila and Francesca started to sing "Best friend" and Violetta turned up and joined in at the end.

Then it was Ludmila and Maxi's duet as they were singing Leon and Violetta talked.

Leon: Did you tell you Ludmila that we slept together?

Violetta: I'm sorry, Leon but she was annoying and it just came out did she confront you about it?

Leon: She asked me if I loved her more than you.

Violetta: What?

Leon: Yeah, obviously I told her that I love you more than her but I said I could learn to love her the same way, but Violetta I dont think I can love someone who I don't feel it with is that wrong?

Violetta: Leon, you need to tell Ludmila, you can't let her believe that you can't love her because of me.

Leon: It's not that, it's just if I stay with Ludmila then I don't think I'll be able to talk to you as every time I talk to you I feel that bond with you and I can't do that Ludmila not anymore, so if I do stay with her, I don't think we should be friends I'm sorry it's just it's too hard to be friends with someone who have a special bond with.

Violetta: So you want to forget our friendship? Leon we share the same group of friends it's not like your not going to see me at the studio, what are you going to do blank me for good.

Leon: No, but it's easier than hurting each other by acting like we are friends when really all we want to do is kiss or fall into bed with each other.

Pablo: Guys come on it's the last song, get on stage.

They went to get ready for the last song, Violetta stood in the middle of the stage and started to sing "Be better".

A/N: ~
Thank you for reading.

In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Where stories live. Discover now