We need to break up

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Leon woke up early leaving Violetta asleep since he needed to talk to Ludmila about us as she knew that he slept with Violetta twice when he got to the studio he saw Ludmila singing as he tried to interrupt her she wasn't listening.

Leon: Ludmila? Ludmila?

Ludmila carried on singing until Leon slammed the Laptop lid down.

Ludmila: Leon, I was rehearsing

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Ludmila: Leon, I was rehearsing.

Leon: Oops, look we need to talk.

Ludmila: Talk about the fact that you slept with your ex-girlfriend not once but twice.

Leon: That's not fair, Ludmila and it was before we were even properly together as I was still trying to move on from her.

Ludmila: And instead you landed in bed with her, that's not moving on from someone Leon that's going back to what you know.

Leon: Well I better not tell you where I was last night then.

Ludmila: I already know you slept with her last night as I overheard your conversation after seeing you kiss.

Leon: Ludmila...

As Leon and Ludmila were arguing a guy stood in the doorway overhearing their argument.

Ludmila: What are we going to do then?

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Ludmila: What are we going to do then?

Leon: I think the best thing is to break up before we hurt each other anymore.

Ludmila: You are breaking up with me? Why so you can sleep with Violetta without feeling guilty?

Leon: I don't feel guilty, sleeping with Violetta isn't what's making me guilty.

Ludmila: Oh, then what does make you feel guilty?

Leon: Nothing because I told you when we first started this I would never change into the Leon you know I'm not the Leon who used to hang out with druggies or get drunk and have sex on a backseat of a car that was the old Leon and Ludmila.

Ludmila: And you do know what I loved that Leon as he never thought of some naive girl or didn't care about the cattle, all he cared about was his Ludmila and having sex.

In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Where stories live. Discover now