Can you believe that Leon slept with Ludmila?

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Violetta ~
After Ludmila told me about her and Leon I went into the lockers and I saw Francesca and Camila, but Camila had headphones on.

Francesca: What's wrong, Violetta?

Violetta: Uh, I was signing autographs for fans and Ludmila came and ruined it as usual.

Francesca: Oh, has she got anything better to do than annoy you?

Violetta: Can you believe that Leon and I haven't been part for nearly a day and last night he slept with Ludmila?

Francesca: He did what?

Camila: What? He and Ludmila no way.

Violetta: Girls, you have to believe me.

Camila: Wait a minute did he tell you himself?

Violetta: No, Ludmila did after she irritated me, she told me and when I asked Leon if it was true he said it just happened.

Francesca: But what was Ludmila doing at Leon's house?

Violetta: He said he didn't invite her, she went there and then he asked her to leave Ann that he wasn't interested.

Camila: So, they didn't sleep together?

Violetta: Yeah, because Leon can't help himself, he would never change because Ludmila is his bad habit.

Francesca: Do you think Leon would go back to Ludmila?

Violetta: I don't know, but I wish he didn't because he has changed now you know and if he goes back to her then he will go back to his old habits.

Francesca: But if you think about it, Leon isn't over you, you can tell where he's hurting for what you did to him with Tomas, maybe sleeping with Ludmila was to get you back for nearly kissing Tomas.

Camila: Do you think he would do that?

Violetta: I don't know, maybe it was one off because I see the way he's hurting so maybe your right.

Camila: I'm sorry, Violetta, but maybe it's time to move on from Leon because he is still angry with the video of you and Tomas.

Violetta: I know but Ludmila out of everyone, could've at least waited a week.

Francesca: Violetta, Ludmila probably did it deliberately to ruin you and Leon for good, as like you say Leon didn't know she was coming, you know Ludmila she could've planned it all, to make you suffer.

Violetta: Maybe, your right, I think I'm just going to go home and rest it's been a long day.

Camila: Maybe talk to Leon, I know you told him to leave you alone but maybe you should let him explain what happened, don't let Ludmila ruin what you had.

Violetta: Your right, I'll ring him later and find out what happens now.

Violetta left and went home as she put her pyjamas on early, she was writing in her diary and Angie walked in.

Angie: Hey, what are you doing?

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Angie: Hey, what are you doing?

Violetta: Just writing in my diary, Angie I don't know what to do.

Angie: About what?

Violetta: Leon, I miss him and now it's only been a day since we broke up, but do you know what he did?

Angie: No, what?

Violetta: He slept with Ludmila last night.

Angie: What? Ludmila? Wait a minute, did Ludmila plan it because I never thought Leon would go back to her.

Violetta: Camila and Francesca think he did it to hurt me for what I did to him with Tomas.

Angie: No, Leon might be hurt but he wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I think Ludmila wanted to make you suffer, and that's all she wants you to do.

Violetta: They also said that too, also Leon did say he didn't know she was going over to his house.

Angie: Why don't you just call him? And let him explain.

Violetta: I will now.

Angie: Okay, I will leave you to it, don't stay up too late.

Angie left and Violetta stood up and picked up her phone and called Leon hoping he was alone.

Phone conversation: ~ Leon: Hello?

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Phone conversation: ~
Leon: Hello?

Violetta: Hey, Leon can we talk?

Leon: Now you want to talk? I thought you wanted me to leave you alone?

Violetta: I'm sorry Leon, it was just a shock where I never thought you would go back to Ludmila.

Leon: Violetta, I didn't plan anything, I didn't do it to hurt you it just happened she came over and the next thing I know we were in bed, I didn't do it to deliberately hurt you I swear.

Violetta: You might not have but she would've as she just wants to make us suffer Leon, or shall I say me suffer with the guy I love.

Leon: Violetta, I won't let her hurt you I promise, but you should get some sleep since it's late.

Violetta: Why? Is she there with you?

Leon: No, Violetta, I'm on my own, even if she was it's none of your business anymore where we aren't together anymore.

Violetta: Your right, goodnight Leon.

Leon: Good night.

He hung up and Violetta took her phone away from her ear but felt hurt by the conversation.

A/N: ~ Thank you for reading

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Thank you for reading.

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