Accost Splendora ❷ C-2_15 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 2

Page 15- _Malicious Daggers_

'Wait!, i didn't open those letters!," yelled Rintaro, flying off the bed, and landing on tingling feet. She scoured around the room, raised brows assistant to the bag hunt. Instant rewards, her shock-shook hands pulled out seven diabolical envelopes. As one hand clicked on the lights, another swiftly unsealed the first curse.

First Letter.... _Wow! miss Haruno, i see you're already holding your end of the deal, marking absent a day after i stuff a piece of warning in your pocket. Which means you've read and considered the risks, i believe. You deeply have my thanks for going through with this request!._

The message ended farther away from sinister, but slightly emitting an unsettling air. Judging from the paper she felt in her pocket, the culprit's menace was no doubt to be feared. Her mind envisioned a sly grinning stare, face chancing into reality from the disturbing words. If anything it turned her warm blankets cold, or perhaps that was the alarm of her body, failing to find any warming thoughts. The moment she trampled upon the second letter's last words, her mind gasped in silent stagger, defiant to the dreadful seriousness of _*The Unknown*_.

Second Letter.... _miss Haruno, i hope you do not take this as a threat, but i thought i'd say so before you find any uncertainties. Since this is going to be a beneficial relationship between us, i was thinking of setting some rules. After all, you really don't want anything to do with the imperial family, trust me on that. My first rule is, you can't tell anyone about this since it'll end up creating unnecessary trouble, especially Keisuke Senami. I take it the first person to know would be the blue haired girl Aigasaki, so i think you know what you must do. But if you don't, i'll make it all easier to understand. Convince your positive friend the paper was a light prank from your brother. Second, i want you keeping a certain distance between anyone from the Ohshiba family. If you dare so much as oppose my warning, i'll make sure to leak photos of you and Keisuke by the bench, thriving at your precious summer festival. And if failure results to my innings, ridding one of your friends is an easy task_

Scrolling through the stupid paper once more, horror brew teary golden eyes. Only a few seconds, and yet her life hung on the thread of a simple white paper. Shoved into collapsing shambles of a dark reality, she stumbled onto the next one, sequential 'till the last. Natural instincts or so they say, more or less assisted in gauging the depth of every letter. Though persistent but unwanted, all seven daggers swung her way, shining with malice, and famished for disaster.

To Be Continued.............💫

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