Accost Splendora ❷ C-10_98 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 10

Page 98- _Intrepid Magnificence_

Sasaki shot a stern look towards lost Haruno, one burning of obvious dissatisfaction. Soon she was banging an expensive door shut, the sound of striding legs fading as she flounced out.

The usual gang exchanged looks of despair, tied mouths brewing the vivid serenity of a bewildering atmosphere. In an addition to the oddness stood puzzled Shin, quick gestures his only way to express confusion. Of course that was to be expected, considering he wasn't experienced with the usual "no chance to process" lightning events.
Different as usual, Rintaro decided to stick with intuition, awestruck by the sudden difficulty of her once thrilling day. She furtively moved towards Keisuke, leaned closer, and whispered short words.

Rintarõ.... _I don't know what happened, but i want you to tell me the headlines of the situation, nothing else. I'm not sure, but i think *The Unknown* is up to this, and i can't trust any place in this school. We'll all meet afterwards at Shokuji's Ramen._

Senami nodded and pleasantly passed the message to the others. Seconds later he was urging Akamaru to explain, dampening his poor brother's already depressed mind.

Takahiro.... _Ahem, Er..., After you left, we sold a few more dishes for the next four five minutes then it happened. A lot of students came flooding by the door and we thought they were customers rounding up for seconds. But then they demanded to see "miss Haruno". The fortune cookies you made and sold have a revelation to offer. Each cookie opened has a small paper inside. Instead of fortunes there's an outright message relayed. ’Keisuke Senami, Takahiro Akamaru and Seigi are the scattered imperial children of Emperor Ayanami. A special fortune from miss Haruno,” it said._

The fourth prince tackled an effort not to get angry, quietly following through the whispered advice. If anything his voice sounded a bit off, horrifyingly irritated in fact.  Haruno felt a spasm simultaneous with the last statement. But steering on the path of secrecy, she couldn't say. In the passing while lingered solemn silence until she came up with a plan.

Rintarõ.... _Since it's not true and they need an answer, why don't i just tell them the truth?_

She winked twice, only to receive soulless nodding and one odd ball taking a stroll through wonderland. His silent left and right head swinging almost paralyzed everyone, until heavy breathing lifted the curse. In and out, pushed Rin, prepping for what awaited down the hallway. Noisy chatters filtered through the thin walls, unmistakable sounds of camera shutters clicking. Even so, bold beautiful, brilliant Rintaro held her head up high and flew open the door.

To Be Continued............💫

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