Accost Splendora ❷ C-11_105 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 11

Page 105- _Serpent's Touch: A Mirrored Bite_

Sae's eyes cranked up the lids, blinking and brightening with joy, ignorant of the more troubling group outside. Contrary to her relief-brimming face, Rin's lips peaked an edged grin.

Her usual tornado-worn crew burst in, two handsome princes and a gorgeous best friend. Fourth wheeling the group was a need to know member. Prince Kisami swung his perfect head to a shake, showing off his short curly ice white hair. Tiny strands moved between his scarlet flecks, snapping a cool more attractive young man.

Quickly they closed the door, assured no one was coming. Endlessly staring, mouths were stranded agape, staggered by the sight of a despairing queen.

Kisami.... _What's going on?_

The prince's pale voice landed on deaf ears, acquiring nothing but a gesture from Haruno. She urged them all to sit down, and hesitant as they were, the group sat.
Corner molars faintly visible, soon turned into a silent chuckle, tossing her index finger right in front of Sasaki.

   ’This is my troubling stalker, _*The Unknown*_!,” she declared, amazing herself with the afterwords panting. Her so thought to be trivial announcement DID receive cricket sound serenity, only to change later into a loud "what?!!!.”

Neither spoke nor breathed, hidden thoughts cluttered towards a loss for words, except for the culprit in question.

Sakae.... _Uhh..., forgive me but i am bad at drama acts. Who is *The Unknown*....?_

Two hardened fists thundered through the table, reverberating from one end to another.
Everyone seated knew the gravity of Haru's rage, checking in glances at her wrinkled face. Which hopeless Keisuke still thought was beautiful, despite tiny muscles lifted to form his girlfriend's reality in her 70s.
She sighed and shot a malicious look towards Sae.

Rintarõ.... _My first clue was when a friend told me, ’It's like they just thought since we have power, no one can ever point fingers at us, Hah!”. Then i thought, what if my stalker isn't some ordinary obsessed boy?, what if it's someone with a Crushing intention towards me. But baseless with no leads, i remained on the fact, it was a boy. Second clue, i noticed you hate the princes so much for someone who just transferred a few months ago, and doesn't even know their identity. No one would talk so bad about someone as though they know him, remember your catty tongue about Seigi? Third clue, when we met you used a noble accent, and stopped right after i received my second threatening letter. Should i keep going?_

Haruno sounded so sure of herself, eyes blazing with both rage and confidence. But were her clues spot on?, that called for an examination, as everyone glued eyes at _miss perfect_

To Be Continued...........💫

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