Accost Splendora ❷ C-9_81 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S


Page 81- _Golden Chasms_

The November sun peeked through a blue sky blemished with sparse scattered clouds. Sprinkling glamour over the glorious morning, radiant rays polished a pretty girl's delicate face. Left and right she turned, head chinned up for a mirror glance. Maybe it was the moderate unchanging temperature, or perfectly slicked back ponytail, quaintly resembling her mothers golden shine.
Humming chained to a 2 second-cycle, alarming any audience of Koniaki's first year honor student, presently drenched in overwhelming rapture. Glossy lipstick-smeared mouth blew a breezy kiss, loose edges expanding for a much appreciated grin.

Her whimsical feet scampered downstairs, dashing out the house speedy minutes later. A slim-fit stomach was already wiggling thanks to one bowl of warmed milk coco-reeds.
Indeed those long spaghetti-like reed shaped cereals kicked a ton, desperately fighting to be digested first. Thanks to her mind soaring above cloud nine, concentration on growls was more hazy than the great import.

She looked down her gleaming shoes once more, gazing at the few reflected racing clouds. All set and ready, one last nod of satisfaction, and she was checking to see her locked door.
        ’Here i come!,” an elegant yell blast off, disrupting the peace of her rarely quiet neighborhood.

     ’14 November,” read her bright screen, whole-fully furnished with a rare snapshot of Keisuke's canine smile.
Finally, the awaited two weeks had fleetingly passed, instantly introducing exciting news of the school festival on Saturday. Recalling how many speechless hours she spent attending peevish meetings, organizing interior designs for a modern restaurant, and helping prepare homemade cookies, expecting any less of a spectacular exhibition marched against her conviction.

Well, for the cookies it wasn't much work. The requested girl offered to place fortunes and bake all by herself, stranding exhausted Rin with a slightly taken back gesture. Inevitably, all her thoughts stumbled upon one distracting remark, ’maybe she's trying to do the chef's instinct of surprise thingy”.

Thirty minutes later, fine legs fast paced down the red-black pavement. Abled quietness, and early morning she was collecting praise-gossip from spoiled scholars.

Male Student 1.... _Hey, isn't she Vice President Sasaki's friend?_

Male Student 2.... _I think so, rumors say they've been eating together ever since the festival announcement. We might get a queen-goddess showdown for the most beautiful girl at Koniaki!_

Male Student 1.... _Don't joke like that, of course Sasaki would win without effort Hehe...._

Whispers continued all eerie buzzes in her ears, comparisons and overestimations nagging her composed sense. Why bother deepening the depth in both ladies' lifestyles?, one could've asked, most of their sources spread as diluted rumor.

To Be Continued............💫

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