Accost Splendora ❷ C-2_18 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 2

Page 18- _Aigasaki Falls_

Takahiro tasked with distracting his brother, ran throughout the whole day, feigning attention from Keisuke. Midway of attempting a yell, he even requested his company to the restroom, four-five times at least. Luckily it just so happened to be a self-study period, deserting Ai and Rin down the pits of laughter. The hour hit a dreading moment, awaited all perfectly fine day long.

Haruno devised a secure plan to tell her friends about _*The Unknown*_, thanked being her so called luck.
'Since the culprit sends letters, updated of current changes in my attitude, it's safe to say someone here at Koniaki is watching me," murmured Rin.
She knew telling her friends would prove difficult. Instead, she borrowed the storage room keys, claiming to look for her long lost book.
At first Sir Nomura outright declined, but after getting help from two charming princes to carry some sheets, permission was granted in a matter of seconds.

The sky flaunted a dazzling radiant sunset, sinking a fabled orange ocean of clouds, as seconds ticked down to curfew. Haruno's heart pierced, thumping loudly to the peers blankly staring, opposite of the room.
Kei and Ai leaned against the walls, while Hiro poached an act of sweeping, his smooth chin pushed against the broomstick. Shaking with uneasiness from black corners of the room, each one remained crude, silently flashing curious gazes. Conversation starter difficult in the tense air, she smashed onto the point, bettering a pale voice.

Rintarõ.... _I'm going to say this once, and i don't want anyone to overreact._

She cleared her throat, unaware paining chains were already restraining fearful hearts.

Rintarõ.... _For the past week since i Ahem, ....became Kei's uhh.., girlfen. (did i just say girlfen!?) someone has been putting scary letters in my locker. The very next day after i agreed to start dating, i felt something touch my pocket~...._

She explained everything in detail, including the incident when her stressed head blacked out. Also making it a point to spew every blasted threat, down to the culprit's poor jokes, no less lacking a great sense of humor. When her lips finally mimicked shutters, Senami released a startling deep gasp, burying her own pitiful sigh of suppressed relief.

'Come to think of it, you DID show me that letter last week, and here i was believing you said it was a prank, i'm such an....." Ai's gloss-less lips tuned a low soft cry, stream-making falls sliding out her clear blue sockets. Switching the channel, Rin met an even flabbergasting sight of the fourth prince.

To Be Continued...............💫

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