Accost Splendora ❷ C-4_35 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 4

Page 35- _The Willow Cliff_

Two soulless girls grasped slouchy seats, luminous acquiescence brimming as they embraced plain looks. Thirsty lips etched on, neither paid attention to the math teacher, Miss Shimada.    ’Gratitude for the heavens,” they subconsciously mumbled, glad their madam hardly ever scolded anyone. Well, blessings aside, the lady was a narcissist, engrossed in her own writing to the point of ignoring students.
Quite a pity the head office never noticed, with ease they could've dropped dead weight.

Contrary to their lamenting sighs consecutive throughout each period, frivolous thrills trussed the first years' best, yet now rowdy class. Everywhere Ai turned, moving mugs making out cultural festival this or that, inevitably fastening her guts to a twist. Loss of hilarious light mood keeper, meant big trouble to Haruno, and in times like those, a grand solution is all she ever wagered everything on. Go back to her lonely junior high slumps?, that would've been the last thing she ever let happen, despite the bemusing odds. Even the sleek-haired surly once smacked with an envious grin Takahiro, discarded immature feelings to aid his so called girlfriend.

Right around the first self-study after lunch, all four mates held a solution meeting, one silent girl laying a chin on her fist clenched hand. A long and hard debate, great minds met, until the genius amplified force for a sudden push forward.      ’Yes!,” she yelled, twerking fingers grabbing unnecessary stares, paired from every gossip-satiated person in the room. 

Processing an excellent distraction, she felt her friend's cold hands, slowly pulling a weightless body down. Next thing she knew, half a dozen eyeballs were locked onto her face, quizzical air surrounding Takahiro, Keisuke and Merumi.

Rintarõ.... _Geez, you don't have to look so hooked up. I'm not even sure it's a good idea._

A confidence-lacking voice could've been her deal-breaker, no different from the words pouring out, yet the fervent teeth of curiosity left remnants stuck on her desperate friends. She looked down and back up, strangling the uneasiness within. One sigh or two later, her twinkling face boldly traded stares with blunt hungry pairs.

Rintarõ.... _Remember, the board said *’All present members voted for the representatives of both classes”*._

Gulps went down vein-stained throats, nodding with exchanged glances.

Rintarõ.... _So i was thinking, since it's a request, then it can be replaced. If i go to your partnering rep Sakae or something, and ask to work with her instead of you, i'm sure she wouldn't mind. And everyone else will follow without complaints, as long as she announces to make Rin the rep._

Widened glitters welcomed her bravery, thanks to the solution which others viewed as a sacrifice.     ’You'd really do that for me?,” quickly quizzed miss best friend, big hands ready to weave a tear-mixed hug. Haruno reluctantly gave in, unprepared for Ai's packed waterworks. Almost in arms, she suddenly pulled away. Nervously tapping her forehead, in turn throwing quiet peers off a willow cliff.

To Be Continued............💫

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