Accost Splendora ❷ C-6_56 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 6

Page 56- _Wintry Eulogy_

Yet the softened cracking needed clarity, her mind chary not to land on suicidal conclusions.

Rintarõ.... _Do you perhaps mean, he's the son of Dr Akane Kikuchi and the news publisher?_

Koshiro.... _Yep, unwillingly so i am. How'd you know my mom though?_

Rintarõ.... _She was the doctor who tendered me in the hospital months back. Plus she's pretty famous for the way she handles a scalpel in the theatre._

Koshiro.... _Haha.., Yeah i guess so. My dad though isn't exactly famous for the good stuff. "Kikuchi Works are the best" my foot! All he does is mess with people's lives._

Rintarõ.... _(So i was right!, but he doesn't seem to have a good relationship with his father so he probably doesn't know who tipped the prince rumor off. Even if Dr Akane told her husband, she still was forced by someone else so that's a deadend)_

A disappointing observation it turned out, unknowingly forcing Haruno to switch piercing gazes upon the black haired boy and Sae, proudly ready to introduce her infamous friend.
Inept of social interaction knowledge, skills, she failed to pick the clear hints, idols needed no introduction! Shook by surprise, Koshiro's fatigue blemished-face lit up, radiating a brown color in his eyes.

Koshiro.... _Aaah! if it isn't the popular Akamaru, i'm your number one fan sir!, the way you make girls go crazy is awesome. Sorry, i have a bad habit of not looking at a person when i'm talking so i didn't notice you. Will you sign my notepad?, no no!, can i be your apprentice?_

The panting boy gone in frenzy fan mode missed a chatter stop, until witnessing the pair of deadly eyes which zipped his whole everything shut.       ’Koshi dear, i think you ought to catch your breath for a moment,” in the smoothest most calm manner possible, _miss perfect_ chested a few words of concern, her demeanor scarily ordinary.

Koshiro.... _Sorry sir Akamaru, i just got too excited. All i wanted was to be a first year incognito, seeing as i have bad luck connecting with everyone. But then i saw you during an assembly, swamped with girls yelling and pushing to get a look at you. That's when i thought ’maybe i could be like him,” but my face wasn't anything like yours, nor were my socializing skills. So i decided i'd ask to be your apprentice the minute i met you alone. First i'd like to apologize on behalf of my father, for causing all that media attention full of lies_

Too absorbed in his conversational speech, the boy failed to keep track of his drowsy audience, slipping out each time he opened that sleeping-pill like mouth of his.
      They Did have something ELSE in those tinkering heads, a more important meeting. As Takahiro occupied the sense his self-proclaimed fan wasn't gonna stop, a chilly road was all he could see.

To Be Continued............💫

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