Accost Splendora ❷ C-8_75 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 8

Page 75- _Veil Of Serenity_

Rintarõ.... _Stop with the looks, i didn't do anything! As i told you before, we just met this morning. In fact, speaking of this whole victory, well....._

She turned a greedy look towards her friend, face painted with nothing but the yearning cry of a hardworked reward.
At first miss employer hesitated to ask, afraid what would become of her monthly allowance. But then a slight touch of sincere honesty changed Haruno's craving to astounding modesty. Far from the insane freakish muscles creeping up her face, she preserved youthful beauty, backed by longed for cherished words.

Rintarõ.... _On second thought, i don't need that reward anymore! You've been my friend for as long as i can remember, and you've even taken me out more than i can count. Something i've never experienced let alone had, so it's not much, but consider me protecting my friend's identity a priceless favor. All i ask is you keep being my friend forever!_

Reciting quite the touching speech left Ai's soft heart in muddled shambles. Her lips quivered, nose twitched, and soon she was summoning messy tears.

Merumi.... _I don't remember meeting This kind of girl, and i don't know if i can keep being her friend 'cause of her crazy personality. But i do know one thing, she's a friend for the keeps._

    ’Best friend,” added Rin, low soft voice offering a somewhat watery hug. Observing the heartwarming friendship, Senami and Akamaru shamed away in reserved regret.
       ’I wish i were her,” each mumbled, eyeing their girlfriends with reverence to hide naughty thoughts.
Both wilted lacking the sea of love, slowly grabbing separate seats while sinking in hateful waves.

Time deeming their conversation to be useless, clacking elevated inches away, next to reveal a quiet slim history teacher, dead-like fading skin glued on the lips. Pitifully for his plain ordinary face and shy-like gentle voice, the bar to getting everyone's attention soared above average.
Even so still, patience would only rob his lesson, and thinking past the thought, an infuriated demeanor melted his genial nature.

Mr Kawasaki.... _Ahem! Class!!, Let's begin our lesson. Ok here goes, Which period originates the abolition of a feudal system and adoption of the cabinet government system? Watanabe!_

Forthward with an agitated shout to the most talkative gossiper in class, anger couldn't begin to explain how he truly felt. Before anyone could make sense of the question, a thick blanket of silence was already hovering over class _creme da le creme_

To Be Continued..........💫

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