Accost Splendora ❷ C-3_21 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S


Page 21- _Impatience Is A Seal, Determination Is The Key_

Fortuitously for the second prince, Rintaro slid fault, clamping her ideals of a perfect day. No doubt such goals craved devotion, a mind devoid of negative emotions.

Rintarõ.... _Oh i see, that's perfect. Welcome aboard!_

Everyone.... _Eh!!_

Each one sharply breathed in, amazed by the sight of a collected Rintaro, passing Kisami's lie and continuing on. Unfazed, she captured an intimidating face, shades of adamant eyes stuck below a complicated expression. Loose air now in the clutches of an invading firm girl, none no longer coughed or breathe.

Satiated of the arising trouble, she was determined to solve her mystery at light speed. An impossible condition yes, but first step was getting her energetic friends to shut up. Convinced she was worried, they tensely pegged an ear, ready to flush out wealthy resources for a scary Rin. None bothered to think otherwise, maybe her resolute came from the adventurous thought,
  ’I want to hold hands with Keisuke while listening to his sweet voice”.

Pitifully, her heights of the sky imagination wouldn't work, so long _The Devil_ reigned over her life.
      _’If you dare so much as oppose my warning, i'll make sure to leak photos of you and Keisuke by the bench, thriving at your precious summer festival. And if failure results to my innings, ridding one of your friends is an easy task”_

The infuriating vivid memory latched onto her mind, collecting a nasty grimace on her once gleaming face. Bent on a curtained close to her bitter shuttering world, beastly thoughts hunted scorning prey of a quick finish, alarmed still of the rising secluded pool. Waving goodbye to the only room she felt Senami's warm breath?, certainly her golden flecks would push out a few waterworks.

Rintarõ.... _Ok, where was i?, oh right, about my observations. Well, i figured that our friend might have a connection to the imperial family, or more scary, some crush on me. And doesn't want me being with any of the princes._

Keisuke.... _All the more reason to find and beat the crap outta him._

Trapped rage fled to rampage, tiny muscles lifted to take a hit at any criminal. Beyond everyone's attention and guard, clicks of a sour tongue sprung out Kisami's face, silently wrapping his charms with a surly unfitting look. Not so surprising, Haruno geared to punch a comment or two, baffled by the eccentricity of a quiet reaction.

Rintarõ.... _Now now, i'm sure you're angry at this person as i am (although i think you're more mad at the fact he might have a crush on me) but you can't go saying things like "i'll beat the crap outta him"._

Casting the unusual line with a clear straight expression, and forgiving tone, her face gave off odd composure.   Unfortunately, Merumi wasn't interested down the sparing path, folding her arms to blast a bold disagreeing point.

To Be Continued............💫

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