Accost Splendora ❷ C-8_74 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 8

Page 74- _Parallel View_

Keisuke.... _Do my ears deceive me, or did i just hear you call mr pretty boy over there, Ai's brother?_

Even though shrouded in whispers, gasps escaped the ladies' mouth torched by fear. A slightly off-putting atmosphere nabbed the moment, much to everyone's displeasure 'till tender melodies interceded.

Young Boy.... _Sorry to interrupt, i just couldn't help but overhear you talking about me. I take it you're the three oddly packed friends of my dear sister which i hear about a lot. Since there's no harm in telling your friends, mind introducing me sis Memi?_

An over the top dark grin seeding terrifying guffaws, unsightly latched onto his mouth. Everyone could tell he was the opposite of every tiny Merumi part. But fooled by his charming body and wayward salacious-like expressions, anyone could mistake him as the older sibling. To sweeten a deceiving honeypot, he appeared more princely than some real irritated young lords.

Meru stumbled upon a wall clear of options, pushing her to feverish temperatures despite the cold weather.

Merumi.... _Uhm, e-everyone mee....t, my younger brother, Ruiko Aigasaki. Don't be fooled by his innocence, he's a master of disguises._

At first she lost volume of her slowly decreasing voice, conjured back by Rin's warm hands. The once cunning eyes of the so called Ruiko disappeared, temporarily tracing a new kind smile exceptional to Rintaro.
His predatory glare sent forth chills down her spine, enthralled yet frightened, 'till Keisuke ignited a look of ownership. But that wouldn't have been enough, so he sampled a taste of true dominance, momentarily sliding his hand around the mistress.

Keisuke.... _Hey little boy, Rin is my girlfriend. So eyes off ok?_

Ruiko.... _O-h so it's Rin? Sorry, sometimes i make weird expressions that end up making misunderstandings. I was just trying to get her name._

Rintarõ.... _(How is that in anyway asking for a name!?) Sorry i panicked and lied before. My true name is Rintarou. And thank you for the seat in the train._

A bow upfront and before the boy's blue eyes could sparkle their next action, a swarm of crazed girls, (mostly single) marched to snatch the surprised gentleman away. Unfortunately no one felt pity for him, in fact, they continued their conversation with carefree delight.

Keisuke.... _Not to be rude Ai, but from the looks of his creepy mask changing, i'd say he deserves suffocating in the hollow grip of crazy girls. Anywho, what were you talking about?_

Squinting deadly red eyes towards Rintaro, two more friends accompanied fascinated Senami. Having witnessed Rin'swift but suspicious victory actions, each mind no doubt ticked with inquisition.

To Be Continued............💫

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