Accost Splendora ❷ C-6_53 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 6

Page 53- _The Quavering Gate To Desolation_

     ’I didn't know Haruno was close friends with miss Sasaki!, i guess we now have two queens at our school,” random shouts erupted throughout the hallway, lighting up a new most popular topic among well known gossipers. Revered yet loved by both girls and boys, the new idol resembled nonetheless a queen of perfection.

Sakae.... _You see, i told you you're popular around here. It was only a matter of giving you the mic._

As much as she didn't want to agree, the fact still remained surprising as it was amazing. Her first meeting with Sasaki staged an opening, revealing a little bit of popularity potential tightly hanging up her sleeves.
Be that as it was, the pulsating fact seemed bad in a skeptic girl's eyes, well aware what snatching the spotlight from perfect-wannabes meant. If she ever aimed to heed any warnings, interacting with the queen was a no go.

Rintarõ.... _Thank you for the rescue back there, but i've gotta go now. Class is about to start._

Sakae.... _No need, it was the least i could do. We need you fresh and well for our meeting this afternoon, not running away from creepy fans. I too have to finish up the president's tasks, see you later!_

Each shortened a bow, striding in opposite directions to their respective classes. 
  ’Yeahh, i totally forgot about that whole idea-meeting, guess i'll go remind Hiro,” she said, sneaking past leering twitters and back into class. No sooner after waving hello to Merumi, did Ms Toriumi step inside, pompous with makeup as usual. Her shiny leather black heels quieted critters, tuning a tip tap clack.       ’Alright everyone, let's begin class!.”

Mere minutes of useless reminders which seemed like years, burrowed into Rin's ear and out the other, loudly screaming "Boring!!". It was only hours later she felt relieved, taking a read at the timetable. A self-study right after their first lesson since lunch-break.
But who cared about opening a book?, when there was no one to hold a stick, flaunting predator eyes preying on chatter-addicts?. Certainly not some teenager with a lot more than what was going on.
She walked over to Aigasaki, ready to unplug one of the many questionable tenants in her mind.

Rintarõ.... _Hey Ai, did you know Sae was the vice president?_

Merumi.... _Of course, why wouldn't i?, don't tell me you didn't!?_

Rintarõ.... _i-I d-did!, i was just er.., you know, checking to see if you did, you can be a bit flustered when it comes to surprises, so i was just trynna get a tease outta'ya_

Merumi.... _I've been your friend for months now, and i think i know when you're lying_

Rintarõ.... _Im n..._

Picking some pathetic desperate defense, a vibration led to Rin's startled quavering, plundering a deeper stare into her pockets.

To Be Continued...........💫

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