Accost Splendora ❷ C-11_110 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 11

Page 110- _Frosted Mirage: 4_

Speed born of ecstasy, i acted upon the news in order to chase miss Haruno away.
As per the empress' noble advice, be that the terrain changes, i would do all in my power to expose my cousins' identities without being seen, all connected to miss Haruno. That way her brother would have no choice but to oust his endangered sister. And it almost worked.
In the flowing instant, chivvying my aunt to tell her husband, owner of Kikuchi Works, came as no big job. Weeks passed ending the summer festival, and thanks to my cute innocent eyes she had followed through.

First day back to school, Koniaki students woke up to the mob of media stomping their gate.
One slight sigh i breathed out, convinced my mission was over. But a little too early, my eyes quivered at the sight of media vans suddenly dispersing.
     As soon as i got information of both the Senami and Akamaru guardians messing it up, my mind peaked the boiling point. In the heated moment, i decided to get in touch with miss Haruno herself.

Sadly all i could spare was the first threatening letter as a greeting. Heart racing at insufferable speed, i slowly pulled out my chair, sat down, and began writing on a piece of paper. I had to make sure the writing wasn't by all means traceable to me, so i made many fans write sentences for me.

_To little miss Haruno...., i know you've got class and honor student stuff to do so i'll be quick. I want you to end your relationship with prince Keisuke and stop being friends with anyone from the imperial family. If you impose on the above, then sadly i'll not be held accountable to what happens next. Please do not take it personally for it's as simple as written. I hope you will understand, goodbye. Yours truly..... The Unknown_

The secret stuff was written by me as both a threat and a sincere considerate warning. Ohh who was i kidding?, there was nothing considerate about sending someone such a creepy thing. The next day i slipped it into her pocket, disguised by squirming students in dozens.
Thankfully she broke-down for an entire weekend, and soon after i received information her brother came back.

Certainly good news for me, which quickly soured as i saw her walk through the school gate, determined to uncover me. Regardless of the ill-mannered insults screaming in my mind, the determined perfectionist in me rose to an upgrade. Using my power as vice president, i offered a great deal during one of our council meetings.

To Be Continued.............💫

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