Accost Splendora ❷ C-9_88 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 9

Page 88- _Joyous Dilemma_

A hilarious prince stood in awe, blindingly shimmering face adding lustre to an already good looks' heaven. Short curly ice white tendered the tense air, shackling bespectacled mistresses with ecstatic whimsy.

Rintarõ.... _Ahh! If it isn't the so called Seigi. I should have known you'd be dragged into this. All you princes tend to be blessed with convenient looks._

Kisami.... _Hehe, i see you did your research well. Actually, i received a request from THE Satoshi in person. But i must say, i was surprised to see my younger brothers here. I guess i'll just have to show them who's more better equipped._

A wink down still-stunned Ai, Kii took his leave in the name of protection. After all, envious glances were already aimed at Haruno, each from a different dark corner. As a tribute to getting one kiss on the hand, Meru fired one stern gaze at her friend. Knowing the trouble that comes with asking about certain looks, she turned a blind eye and kept bearing the music to an almost fit.

A strainful while later, two deserted girls woke up to the thunderous knock on their table. Smiling faces zoomed in, lapping a gap to avoid unnecessary rumors.
For people who moved back and forth on the call of crazy fans, they sure looked more radiant than their dried out girlfriends.

Keisuke.... _What are you guys doing just sitting here?, you should have ordered something or asked for service, from us only that is._

Takahiro.... _Yeah you don't just seat in a room like this, did you even bother to...._

Before flappy boy could go more, a dangerous line flashed countable blinks of fear from a pair of petrifying eyes. Golden left, blue right, either wailing for peace, the guys new what they had to do.
Both speedily changed back into the plain boring reality of uniforms. All that shimmer and shine melted moving downstairs, yet they could still hear disappointed voices yelling ’A second shift for Senami and Akamaru!!”.

Rintarõ.... _You didn't have to leave if you still wanted to serve them._

Keisuke.... _Hold your hands behind the back, tilt your head left and say, ’take me elsewhere master!”_

Rintarõ.... _Oooh my, you're quite the romantic, but no thanks. I'd rather shut up than pretend like a needy customer._

Averse to her friend's twisted stuck up sweetness, Meru was busy rerunning a show for herself, calling every shot of service those stupid girls had asked from Hiro.

Rintarõ.... _Speaking of needy, what are we gonna do now? We're kinda in need of spending time to open._

Popping up as a dilemma in every mind, it rather floated as a fun challenge for one daring mind.

To Be Continued...........💫

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