Accost Splendora ❷ C-2_16 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 2

Page 16- _Flickering Lights In The Dark_

Each one clearly pointed out the obvious, not seeing anyone from the imperial family, especially Keisuke. Black aura soaking any pleasant climate, each word drained the minuscule vile of confidence, stacking Rin with fear to face her friends. 'I don't think this person is joking," muttered a disheveled girl, or maybe uneasiness chained her from thinking any alternatives. Suspect-drought caressing her flimsy ideas, she still couldn't figure out _*The Unknown*_'s gender or identity. The Mystery-ocean washed away glowing clues, drowning a hint-less girl into its darkest and deepest parts.

Frail shivering lips closed the curtains on a pitifully sour day. Owl hoots and dog howls ignorantly robbed her dreams, no less than the uneasy feelings partying inside. Even still, the weary had to rest. Most certainly, questions about how her festival-kiss sprung, and of course she reached the conclusion,' it's a student from Koniaki".
But far be it from guessing who, doubt stole a portion of her ingenious mind.
After a trivial while of pathetic guesses, her eyes wavered to a close. If not for the exhausting all night she had pulled up to 5am, her mind would've tackled a reading 'till finding some clue.

Days later, she grinded an effort at avoiding Kei, Hiro and the enthusiastic Kisami. Somehow she was able to convince Merumi the letter was fake. Yet reasonable doubt pricked her heart, quite the while, and come a few days later, rooted worry began to sprout. Little known, the treatment flew stabbing her boyfriend, just like the sword it was, made to pierce.

Blinding light paired with a warm breeze, appeased Rintaro Haruno's new morning. Her steady footsteps firmly reached the pavement, passing chatter parties of wealthy students. Ponytail swinging back and forth, golden bangs loomed over a smooth forehead. Her dainty body gathered an incidental grin, touring into the lobby, when she suddenly felt a chill on her shoulder.
'Aaah!," Rinny startled, jumped into an alerted guard, turning to meet the annoying smirk of Ai.

Rintarõ.... _What t-the?, Ai! why did you do that?_

Merumi.... _Nothing, just excited to see my friend on a beautiful monday morning_

She nodded with a glance of disbelief, retracting the honed karate stance. Her eased gob reverted back to a lusty smile, and resumed inside.

Merumi.... _So..., what's got my best friend so happy? I can't imagine you walking while smiling on a monday morning. Usually you're all," Aaah i'm late! i'm late" but every time you're ridiculously saved by some scandal or the other._

Rintarõ.... _Hehe, haven't you guessed?, Rintaro doesn't get late on the first day of a new season. It's my one lucky day every time. And to think i actually woke up at 7:00 a...._

Somewhere along the lines of their conversation, Haruno ceased with a gasp, face coerced to conflict with a deranged scene.

To Be Continued..............💫

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