Accost Splendora ❷ C-3_30 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 3

Page 30- _Eloquent Reticence_

Takahiro.... _Hey Merumi....._

Merumi.... _Eh! do you by any chance know my name?!!_

Takahiro.... _Huh? oh er yeah. Kiyohime can blabber a lot when it comes to friends, and one of those times she might have said something about Merumi the rich girl from Tokyo_

Merumi.... _Oh....? (Argh! Kiyooo!, but i guess i can't really hate her with that golden smile of hers)_

The fourth prince chuckled a bit before continuing on, revealing a humorous page never seen by any.     ’Was he always this cool?,” wondered Ai, ears dearly heeding his rare mellow calm tone.

Takahiro.... _So as i was saying, would you go out with me?._

Blandness meeting a dull countenance, his eyes blinked absent of any romantic emotion.

Merumi.... _(d-Did i just hear right?, is he asking me out?, with that dead expression!?) Er...., are you ok, you're not in any slump or tired right?_

Takahiro.... _Of course i'm sure, why wouldn't i be?_

Merumi.... _Well..., maybe you should see yourself in a mirror. Sweaty guy looking up the sky and asking someone out with a bleak face, i don't find that one bit romantic or healthy._

Takahiro.... _Eh i look scary!? Sorry!, a lot have told me i'm hard to figure out, but even i think this is too much. Anyway, how about this?_

He forged an honest smile, snapping eyes with a glint of hope.

Merumi.... _And do you know what else they say? Be careful when Takahiro's face is blank, 'cause that's how he turns down most girls' confessions._

Takahiro.... _Who says THAT!?, it was only once and i learnt my lesson!_

His troubled face set Ai's horrendous giggling off the charts, quickly sticking back a sharp look like no one's business.

Merumi.... _To be honest, i won't ask what made you like me just after hitting a wall with my best friend. But if you're doing this out of spite, then you definitely know what my answer's gonna be._

A pure emotional twinkle blossomed from her rigorously creased face, cheered on by the thought of her dear friend.

Takahiro.... _What!? No! Honestly speaking, i'm not stuck up on Rin. I just get into the zone when looking up a dark sky with this many stars. I simply believe she might keep holding out on Keisuke because of me, so i've been wondering what to do. I mean, she hasn't said yes to him even though i'm no longer in the picture._

Merumi..... _Wow!, just when i was thinking you're some idiotic emotionless bastard. I guess you deserve being a prince.  Anyway, don't worry. Knowing my Rinny, it'll work out somehow. She may not look it, but she's too in love to let go of Keisuke._

Takahiro.... _I didn't know you thought so bad of me. Ok, So what's it gonna be? Yes or No, will you go out with me?_

To Be Continued...........💫

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