Accost Splendora ❷ C-9_85 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 9

Page 85- _Shades Of Gold: Devil's Fist_

The sound of irritating scuffed shoes completely paused, daily doses of researched gossip freezing along with hardly closed mouths. Unusual quietness crept up, bemused stares locked onto the main entrance doors. A few sounding gulps and shuttered reveling twitters is all it took, switching each excited feeling to sweat dripping anxiety.
Both doors slowly slid open full of suspense, paving way for the most revered, adored and popular senior at Koniaki. Rumored as some genius, handsome devil and quite a wealthy young man, the student council president imperiously padded through.

Satoshi Daiou posed as sovereign power towards both single and claimed girls. No less among the boys, his athleticism snatched whispers of otherworldly techniques. Prominent critics naming him a flawless President, his glorious achievements acquired the grand title *Koniaki King*. If not for his entrancing yet sinisterly intimidating black eyes, simple monthly-cut short brown hair, and cold tight-lipped smile, many would've besieged his countenance.

Despite such frightening stands, a dozen or more heads whipped up a leery grin, furtively nabbing photos of his slender muscles hidden in an impeccable white suit. Pocketing a fresh scented red rose, the white teeth shining within his lips appeared both seductive and hot.
Suddenly, he stopped, effortlessly matching the piercing gazes of marveled peers, while his predatory shades spotted the hidden cameras.

Satoshi.... _Ahem!, Anyone who indulges pleasure with a camera will be suspended! If you're interested in services, i suggest you run upstairs for a good host like myself to attend you. If i were you, i'd pass by the flyers too, you don't wanna be troubled when they run out._

Gladdened by his appeasing gentleness, half the girls raced over to hat-covered Kei, each twisting his hand to unbelievable positions. Frantically, they elbowed one another upstairs, heavy breathing swarm trudging straight to class 3-S.
The president flashed a crafty smirk, marveled by his wonder works.

Satoshi.... _Oh, and just a tip of the whole, Keisuke Senami and Takahiro Akamaru will also be joining time-limited shifts!_

Every inch of the inhabited ground quaked, epicenter controlled by a parade of frenzied stomping fanatics, stashing twice the flyers with eye-beguiling speed. In seconds all that remained was an empty lobby, thick roof of shock hanging out widened mouths.

Satoshi.... _Good morning dear juniors. Mhm, right!, Akamaru, could you fill in a 30 minute shift along with Senami? Don't worry, it won't be free, i'll make sure you're paid by the end of our profits. The council thanks you for your cooperation._

Haughty stature of royalty, he steadily disappeared upstairs, convinced his question had been answered.
Leaving behind dumbstruck Takahiro, accompanied by three friends devoured in aching snickers. Likewise was his brother, persistent need to hide their shame crawling up embarrassed faces. Sealed in a prism of teasing thoughts, Rin's eyes gradually faded to pale gold, suddenly startling the jovial atmosphere with a punch to the wall.

To Be Continued............💫

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