Accost Splendora ❷ C-6_59 👑

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💞Under The Peach Tree💞
Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter 6

Page 59- _Rueful Acquiescence_

    ’What the?, is this for real!?,” exclaimed Haruno, fixing a wide look down her box. She lifted her head up, colliding with Sae's eagerly awaited stern goggles.

Sakae.... _I see you too have met the same conclusion._

Rintarõ.... _Pardon?_

Sakae.... _It seems each of our classes are full of passionate dreamers and idiots. Around eight papers are left in mine from a class of 31._

Rintarõ..... _Mine's got nine out of 26. For some reason the rest have nothing to do with the restaurant, even though they read the same first floor bulletin board. Some even wrote, ’One glowing cinderella outfit for the play”. Another wrote ’Uniforms and shin pads for our club”._

Sakae.... _Yours are better than mine, but we don't have time to go through them all. Anyway, this works well in our favor!_

Eyes stopped blinking, taking a moment to stare upon the beautiful lips of Sasaki.
The idol hadn't been paying attention, but not everyone was on par with her eulogy-deserving brain. Although no one raised a query, her impressive flawless personality proved not for show, easily reading the befuddled expressions on her colleagues. She hit her head in surprised disappointment, instantly flushing out some hard comments.

Sakae.... _If you can't follow up on something so simple, how do you expect to tackle other mind-related problems on the board? You should know by now, this isn't just an activity for the cultural festival. It's a chance to show our school how ingenious the best first year classes are. By the end of the exhibition we should have made a doubled profit, created a name for our Joint Class Board, and i without a doubt, will secure the student council presidency next year._

A little silent staring had turned into one huge goal obstacle for _miss perfect_, swallowed gulps and blinks of fear being the obvious response. Her craggy creased face rose from pitch black shades, to bland scary. Thanks to her sharp cunning speech pattern, everyone could tell she wasn't in it just for a thrifty success, rather the queen was settled on a more higher power. A mind shuffling the right reasons, but stained under terrifying black eyes.
Quietness brought about by her careless lecture, a small gasp fled out as she quickly glued her red lips with soft hands.

Sakae.... _Er.., umm.., sorry._

Her face averted everyone's unhinged peering, drowning deep in flashing embarrassed cheeks.

Sakae.... _Sorry!, i just got a bit ticked off by your ignorance_

Though far from the depths of acquiescence, Haruno thought to ease a disturbing situation face front of Sasaki's bend down bow, despite her dull-eyed board members.

To Be Continued............💫

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