I got changed into my clothes I came here in and cleaned myself up a bit. I was nervous about what my Dad had to say but I knew it was important. I dreaded what I was going to find out, every possible outcome playing in my mind.

Whatever it was, we would get through it. My whole life it's always been my Dad and I. I couldn't imagine what it would be like without him here.

I left the bathroom, seeing Louis sitting on his bed waiting for me.

"Hey," I said making his head lift to look at me.

"Hi," he spoke. "Are you ready to go now?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. I think so."

He nodded and stood up. We left the room and walked downstairs. Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Alex were all sat on the couch making conversation. They all stopped and looked at us as we entered the room.

"Where are you guys going?" Niall asked, seeing that we were all ready to go out.

"Uhm," my voice cracked.

I didn't know how to answer. How do I say, my dad's in the hospital and I don't know why. How do I say that without bursting into tears.

"We're going to the hospital..." I say quietly.

Alex's eyes widen.

"Why? Are you alright?" She asks, her eyes scanning over my body to check if I'm okay.

I nod. "It's my Dad."

Her eyes soften and she immediately gets up and wraps her arms around me.

"It's gonna be okay, Emery." She whispers, rubbing my back.

I nodded against her shoulder even thought I didn't know if I really believed it would be okay. I know I don't know what's wrong with him yet, but he sounded like something was really wrong. I know my Dad. He would never want me to worry if it wasn't a big deal. All I could do was hope for the best.

"I should get going now." I say pulling away from her.

She nodded with her lips pressed into a sympathetic smile.

"I love you." She said before we walked out the door.

"I love you too." I said back.

Louis and I left the house and got into his car. I told him which hospital to go to and we got going.

I didn't say anything on the way there. I didn't know what to say. I felt like the world could come crashing down around me any minute. Who knows what I would find out. It could be life changing.

"We're here." Louis said.

I snapped out of my daze and realized we were parked in the hospital parking lot. It all felt so real now.

I took a deep breath and unbuckled my seat belt.

"Let's go," I said getting out of the car.

"Are you sure you want me to come with you?" He asked as he met me in front of the car.

I nodded. "Yeah."

We walked up to the building and went inside. I walked up to the receptionist.

"How may I help you today?" She smiled.

"What room is John Williams in?" I asked the woman.

She typed something into her computer quickly.

"He's in room 127." She told me.

I nodded. "Thank you."

She nodded as I grabbed Louis' arm and started walking to the correct room. My eyes scanned the numbers by each door as we walked down the halls. Finally, we found his room.

"Listen, whatever you find out in there, it's gonna be okay." Louis said.

I nodded slowly. "Im ready to go in."

He gave me a small smile and opened the door. I walked inside and immediately wanted to burst into tears at the sight of my Dad hooked up to machines.

"Hi baby," he smiled, but I could hear the sadness In his voice.

"Hi," I said walking over to his bed and leaning down to give him a hug.

"Who's this?" He asked looking behind me at Louis.

"That's my friend, Louis." I informed him.

He nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you Louis."

Louis smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, sir."

My Dad shook his head. "Please, call me John."

"Of course." He nodded. "Well uh, I'll just give you two some privacy."

Louis left the room, shutting the door behind him. I turned back to my Dad and sat beside him on the bed.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked.

He sighed. "Well lately I've been feeling very ill. I woke up this morning and it was just worse then normal." He explained. "I decided to come in and get checked out and uh," his voice trailed off.

"And what Dad? What is it?" I asked, not being able to wait any longer.

His next words made my heart stop.

"I have stage 4 cancer, Emery." He said, choking up.

My eyes became blurry from the tears that were now spilling out. I thought I was being dramatic and worrying to much when I was picturing what he would tell me. I never expected it to be this.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. It'll be okay." He said reaching his hand up and wiping away my tears.

I shook my head. "No it won't. You're dying, Dad."

"You'll be okay without me." He forced a sad smile.

"Is there any treatments you can do? Kemo? Anything?" I asked, trying to find a solution even though I knew there wasn't one.

"I'm afraid it's too late. It's spread too much. There's nothing we can do." He said.

There's no way to save him. Which meant the reality of living without him would eventually become true. Sooner than later.

I let my head fall as tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably. I felt my Dad wrap his arms around me, hugging me.

"We're gonna get through this, okay?" I said, pulling away.

He nodded. "Yeah, we sure will."

I could tell he didn't believe he'd be okay. But I believed it. Cancer wasn't going to kill him. He wasn't going to die that easily. I needed him to be here longer.

"Now don't leave that poor boy all alone out there for any longer. I'll be okay." He smiled.

"I'll come visit you every day okay?"

"Of course. Keep the diner in order sweetheart." He told me.

"Anything you want." I agreed.

"Alright, bye baby." He said giving me another hug.

"Bye Dad."

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now