I don't get time to respond before a huge fight breaks out. I immediately start start panic. What if one of the boys get hurt? I don't know what to do. Then the panic hits so hard that my heart stops.

I watch as Louis punches one of the men wearing black. But what he doesn't notice is  there's another man behind him, pointing a gun directly at his head. I can't let him hurt him, any of them. I run as fast as I can to him, tackling the man. I grab the gun pointing it to the sky to make sure it doesn't hit Louis. Louis turns around to see us.

"You dumb whore!" The man yells getting on top of me.

He raises his fist, my eyes wired shut. Just when I'm prepared for him the punch me he gets thrown off of me. I open my eyes to see Louis on the ground, throwing continuous punches to him. Punches so hard, it'll kill him.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Zayn says grabbing me by the arm.

"A-are you okay?" I ask once we make it back to the car.

"I'm fine." He says, his hands rubbing my arms. "Emery..you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into."

"Zayn...I- who are you guys?" I ask.

"We'll talk about it later Alright. You know Harry won't be happy with you. You're lucky I'm being so nice Ems.." he says.

"H-hes not going to hurt me is he?" I ask with fear.

"I-I don't think so." He answers hesitantly. He's lying...he has to be..he didn't sound confident in that answer at all.

I look out the window and see the rest of the boys heading our way. Harry gets into the driver's side, Liam taking the passenger side. Niall gets into my car making me furrow my brows.

"What is he doing?" I ask Zayn in a whisper.

"Taking your car back. It's too much of a dangerous place for you to come get it tomorrow and you're too shaken up to drive." He answers.

I nod, turning my head to look out the window.

Soon we arrive at the guys house. I follow Zayn into the house. He gives me a small sympathetic smile before telling me to sit down. The rest of the boys take a seat too, all looking at me. My heart feels like it's jumping out of my chest.

"I think you have some explaining to do." Harry says.

"Me?" I say shocked. "I think you do."

He chuckles, biting his tongue. "Don't get sassy with me sweatheart."

"Y-yesterday I- I saw Zayn kill someone and you want me to explain?" I say, Zayn killing someone replaying in my mind.

"What do you wanna know?" Niall sighs.

"Who are you guys? Are you fucking murderers?!" I say growing inpatient.

"Very funny but no." Liam smirks. "We're part of a gang."

My jaw drops, my eyes going wide. "You're what?" I say in disbelief.

"I've had enough of this. We can't keep her alive she knows too much." Harry says getting up.

"Harry come on man, we can figure it out. We don't have to kill her." Liam reasons.

He pushes past Liam, standing tall in front of me. He runs his hand through is long brown curls, locking eyes with me.

"Harry." Liam tries again. "Harry!"

"What?!" He snaps.

"You're not killing her." Zayn says stepping in front of him.

Harry's eyes move to Zayns now, sending him daggers.

"Fine, but if she says anything it's gonna be your asses on the line not mine." He grumbles before turning around and walking upstairs.

Liam turns to go upstairs, Niall following.

"I'm gonna go to bed, you coming?" Zayn asks looking down at me.

"I should probably get home.." I say thinking of Luke.

"Come on Emery, it's late. I'm not letting you go. Especially now because those guys saw who you were." He tells me.

I sigh, "I'll come up in a bit."

He nods walking away.

I stand up seeing Louis still seated across from me on the couch. He watches me as I go out the backdoor taking a seat on the cement steps. The door opens right as I sit down, Louis sitting beside me.

"You could of died you know." He says looking out into the dimmed sky.

"I know..but I couldn't let you guys get hurt. Even after what I know." I explain.

"You can't be following us anymore. I mean it. You don't understand how much danger you've just put yourself in." He sighs shaking his head.

"Harry wanted to kill me..."

"He would of too if the boys didn't stop him." He says taking a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"I saw Zayn k-kill someone and I didn't want you guys to get hurt. That's wrong.." I say, my voice shaky.

"It's not wrong..you care about us even though we're bad people, it's human."

"But you're not bad people that's the thing...I never once looked at you and thought that you would ever be apart of something like this." I say letting my head hang.

He doesn't say anything. He only holds his hand out to me, a cigarette sitting perfectly between his fingers. I take it from him, bringing it up to my mouth. I take a small hit, holding it back out to him.

"Goodnight Louis." I say standing up and walking to the door.

"Goodnight." He says, taking another hit off the cigarette.

I wake up, looking around the room to see Zayn gone. I get out of bed wearing only one of Zayns shirts he let me borrow. I grab my phone checking the time. It's 2 pm. Shit. shit Shit. I see several missed calls from Luke and one text that sends fear through my body.

Luke: you just don't listen do you? Get over here. Now.

I rush around the room grabbing my clothes and changing as quick as I can. I throw Zayns shirt onto his bed not caring to fold it. I run downstairs, phone in my hand, texting my Dad I won't make it to work today.

Right before I get to open the door Zayn grabs me. His eyes wander my face, trying trying understand what's going on.

"Zayn-I have to go." I say trying to get out of his grip.

"Why are you rushing? Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. I need to go." I say starting to panic. Luke's gonna be even more mad im already late.

"You're breathing really heavy, why don't you sit down for a bit?" He suggests.

"No! I can't Zayn. Just please take me home." I plead.

"If you say one damn fucking word about anything you'll be dead by tomorrow. So will your Dad so I'd think wisely." I hear Harry's voice. I turn around and see him.

I nod nervously.

Zayn and I finally arrive at Luke's. I see the curtain on the window open open see Calum looking out. No. Please not again. No.

"Emery? You okay?" Zayn says grabbing my hand to get my attention.

"I'm fine..thanks for the ride. I gotta go. Bye." I say getting out of the car before he can respond.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now