"So does that mean you worked for Marcus in high school?" I ask him.

He nods. "Yeah."

"That's a long time." I say.

"Mhm," he hums.

"It's cold." I say moving closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder.

"You're shaking." He states wrapping both his arms around me and pulling me to his chest.

I hum, grateful for his warmth. My eyelids feel like 10 pound weights right now and eventually I just let them close.

I feel cold drops of water fall onto me. My eyes peer open and I see it's started to rain and Louis and I are still outside under this tree. We're not sitting up anymore, we're laying down on the ground together. Must of happened while we slept.

I sit up looking back down at Louis who looks like he's been up already.

"We fell asleep." I laugh lightly. "And now it's raining."

His lip turns up into a smile.

"Cmon let's get inside before it comes down harder." He says standing up and holding his hand out to me.

I take his hand and he pulls me up from the ground. Still having ahold of his hand, I run towards the house. Once we make it inside we're soaked. It started raining harder and harder as we ran.

I look at Louis and we both start laughing.

"Why were you guys outside so early?" Liam asks.

I look up and see everyone gathered in the kitchen.  We must not of noticed them.

"We fell asleep out there last night." I tell them.

"How did you fall asleep outside?" Amy squints.

I shrug. "We were high and drunk."

"Yup, that's a good excuse for everything." Alex nods.

"Excuse?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She waves her hand at me. "Nothing."

"Shit." I hear Louis cuss behind me.

"What?" I question.

"I'm late for something. I got to go." He says rushing to grab his jacket.

"But you're all wet-"

"It's fine." He says shortly before walking out.

Good thing they all took their own cars or He would of just left everyone else here.

"Any idea why he was in such a rush for?" I ask Zayn once we're alone in my room.

He shrugs. "I know why but he would be mad if I told you."

"Why can't you tell me?" I ask.

"Louis doesn't like to talk about it." He answers.

I decide not to push at it any further and instead grab my work clothes.

"I gotta get going for work." I tell Zayn.

He nods. "Okay I'll see you later."

I hear the bell ring and look up to see another customer walk in. It's like every time I hear it ring I'm expecting Calum to walk in. I don't even know where Calum went. He literally just disappeared. Luke too. I haven't seen them at all.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed that I haven't seen Luke. Yeah, he hurt me and abused me but I loved him. There's always gonna be a part of me that cares for him despite everything. I've considered driving by his house to see him. I've played out the scenarios in my head of what could happen and they all don't end that well.

I just want some closure with him. I just want to get out everything I've wanted to say to him.

"Emery can you take the next table?" Michael says while holding two coffees.

I nod and head over to take the next tables order.

Once I'm out of work I get into my car feeling exhausted. I turn the radio up in attempt to drown out all my thoughts for a bit. I hum quietly along to Taylor Swift.

I'm about to turn the corner when I realize what road im on. The road to Luke's house. I sit at the stop sign deciding what I should do. I sigh resting my head against the seat.

I'm going.

I'm just gonna drive by. That's harmless. I won't go inside or anything.

I turn onto the road and keep my eye out for the house. Soon I come across it and drive slower. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Nothings there. His cars gone and all of his outside furniture. Did he move? I pull into the driveway and get out of my car walking up to the front door.

I look inside through the window and see the house is empty. That's weird. Maybe he decided to move or something.

I lay in my bed reading a book peacefully. It hasn't stop raining all day but I'm not complaining, it's  calming.

My door opens slowly. I peer up from my book expecting to see Amy or Alex, but instead see Louis.

I sit up setting my book onto my nightstand.

"Hey, what are you doing here so late?" I ask glancing at the clock which read 11:40 pm.

"I was bored." He says.

I pull my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs.

"Oh, well come in." I told him.

He steps inside slowly and closes the door behind him. He sits at the end of my bed, linking his hands infront of him.

"So is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it?" He says, a crease forming between his eyebrows.

"I dont know...you just left in such a hurry this morning, I thought something was wrong." I explain.

"No. Nothing was wrong. I was just late for something." He says looking at the wall.

"For what?" I ask wearily, remembering how Zayn said he doesn't like to talk about it.

His blue eyes burn holes through mine.

"It's none of your business." He says coldly.

"Oh uhm, I'm sorry if I overstepped or anything I just-"

"It's fine." He interrupts.

I swear he is the most confusing person I've ever met.

"Were you reading before I got here?" He asks looking to the book on my nightstand.

I nod. "Yeah I was."

"You can keep reading." He says.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Why? You're here I can't just read." I say.

"No its fine. I'll entertain myself." He says kicking his shoes off.

I shrug. "Okay."

I pick my book back up and watch Louis sit next to me and pull out his phone.


A/n- hmmmm I wonder what Louis was late for....

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