I open the door slowly walking inside.

"About time." Luke says leaning against the counter.

"Luke I-"

"Where were you? I went by your place and your car was there but you weren't. Care to explain that?" He crosses his arms.

"I stayed at my Dads." I lie.

"Then who just dropped you off? Didn't look like your Dad to me." He says not believing me.

"Luke...I swear nothing is going on. I stayed at my Dad's and Zayn dropped me off here because my Dad had to go to work." I continue the lie.

He shakes his head looking down. "You had work today too so if your Dad was going to work you would of gone with him." He says.

Fuck, I didn't think about that. I can't tell him the truth. I have to remember what Harry said.

"We went in at different times. I needed a shower too." I say.

"Oh just quit with the lies already. Admit it you were with Zayn the whole night." Calum pipes in as he walks in the room.

I have to lie. I just have to suffer the consequences.

I take a deep breath avoiding his eyes. "I was with Zayn.."

"I can't believe you'd do that to me Emery. Maybe you're not the person I thought you were." He says looking hurt.

I hurt him...I really wasn't Cheating but it's not like I can tell him the truth. My heart stings seeing him sad. The sadness only lasts for a moment before it's replaced with fear.

"Come on." Calum says grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to the bedroom.

This time was worse. He wasn't gentle at all. I have multiple scratches, bruises, and cuts. There's a cut on my lip from Calum punching me. That was a bad choice because I can't cover that up.

"What would you like sir?" I ask Calum.

How long is Luke gonna keep sending him here?

"Just a chocolate donut today." He smiles.

"This would be much more enjoyable if you would stop crying" He smiles innocently as if trying to convince me to give into him.

"A-alright I'll get that out to you soon." I say choking back tears.

I go back to the counter telling my Dad I needed one chocolate donut.

"Emery it's your favorite personnn." I hear a familiar voice.

No he can't be here. This can't be happening. Not right now.

"Zayn." I force a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to visit you and see how you're doing." He says.

"Did Harry send you?" I ask.

He nods looking down. "Yeah..but i really do wanna make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine." I give him a small reassuring smile.

"Good because you're coming over tonight."

"What? Zayn I cant." I tell him seeing Calum watching.

"Sure you can. I'll pick you up at 8." He says.

Before I can't object he's gone. I see Calum strutting towards me, glaring at me.

"Oh Luke's gonna love this video." He smirks sedistically.

I've never been more scared to get out of work then I am right now. Luke texted and asked for me to come over right after to work. I couldn't say no. The only problem is Zayns supposed to be picking me up at 8 and I just got out of work and it's 7. If he shows up and I'm not there he's gonna be so confused.

"Hey baby." Luke says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Why is he not yelling at me? He hasn't acted like this In forever it feels like.

"Hi." I play along.

"How was work?" He asks. "Have any visitors?"

I knew the act wouldn't last long.

"Luke I-" I'm cut off with a harsh slap.

My cheek burns, my eyes filling with tears. I back away from Luke holding my cheek.

"I don't wanna hear it Emery! It's all lies!" He yells stepping closer to me.

I back up as he comes closer but soon I'm cornered. I sink to the ground, clutching my knees to my chest.

"You cheated on me again! Who knows how many times you've cheated before!" He yells.

"I-im sorry." I choke out just wanting him to stop, but he doesn't.

"Don't fucking say that!" He hits a glass cup off the counter, it shattering all over. I scream as the shardes fly all over.

He stops, starting to chuckle. He slowly steps up to me and crouches down.

"None of this would of happened if you just stayed in line." He tells me grabbing my face. "But no you couldn't do that could you?"

"I won't do it ever again. I-i promise." I tell him.

He slaps me again, this time harder. "Yeah you won't do It again huh?"

Slap. "This is for when you lied about never cheating on me."

Slap. "This is for not fucking listening to me."

He grabs a fistful of my hair yanking me up and across the room towards his bedroom.

"Stay right here I have to go grab something from my car." He orders, walking out of the room.

My shaky hands reach into my pocket for my phone. I can't do this anymore. I can't let him keep hurting me. I click on Zayn contact and click the green call button.

"Hey, where are you? I went to pick you up and you weren't here." He says.

"Zayn I need you to come get me from Luke's. Now. Please hurry." I plead, my voice shaky.

"Is everything alright? I'm coming right now." He asks..

I hear Luke's footsteps getting closer and hang up, stuffing my phone back in my pocket. The door swings open, Luke walking in. He stands in front of me with a suitcase.

"I went to your house while you were at work and got some of your stuff. You're moving in." He smirks. "Since you can't seen to be trusted."

"I don't wanna move in!" I protest.

"Does it look like I fucking care what you want!" He spits pushing me back onto the bed.

In quick decision I kick him where he doesn't wanna be kicked and make a run for it. I run out the door hearing him groan in the other room. I go out the front door locking it so it's harder for him to get to me. Just as I come out I see Zayn pull in..he got here fast. I run his car getting in.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? Are you okay?" He asks taking in my beaten appearance, his eyes laced with worry.

"Zayn just go I'll explain when we get home please." I beg.

He nods and drives off.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now