It had been a month of silence. Everything has been calm. No deaths, no problems, everything's been perfect. Louis and I have been doing great. He's been so sweet to me, always planning dates for us, buying me gifts, showing up at the diner unannounced and surprising me. Everything has just been amazing. It's such a nice breath of fresh air compared to the past few months we've had. 

I never think about Luke anymore. I'm glad he's gone. I'm not sure why I ever cared that he was. The panic attacks and nightmares have mostly gone away, they happen very rarely. Alex and Harry are happily together along with Amy and Liam. Zayn's even been hooking up with this girl and I think he's caught feelings but he denies it. He's not very good at lying about his feelings. And Niall's been living his best life going to bars and having random chicks on him every night. 

"Hi, love, what are you up to?" Louis asks as he enters my room. 

I smile at the sight of him. "Just reading. Where ya been?" 

Slipping his shoes off he gets onto the bed and lays his head in my lap. I close my book and set it to the side. "Visiting my sister." 

"Any news?" I ask hopeful. 

He instantly smiles. "Yeah. The cancers gone." 

I smile, sitting up straighter. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing, Lou!" 

He's been visiting her more often now that he's not as busy doing things for Marcus. He's kind of chilled out on the guys a bit for the month as some sort of vacation I guess. I'm not complaining. I wish things were always like this. 

"Yeah, she's getting out tonight and then I'm taking her to this new private school she's going to." he tells me. "Wanted to know if you wanted to come help take her shopping for new clothes and school stuff with us later." 

"Yeah, of course. I'd love to." I answer. "Where's this new school at? Is it far?" 

"Yeah...It's in Florida but she's always dreamed of going there and it keeps her safe so," he replies. 

"That's great that she's finally getting to do everything she's wanted." 

He nods. "Yeah." 


"What do you think of this one?" I hold up a shirt to Layla, asking her opinion. 

Her face brightens. "It's cute. Can I get it Lou?" 

He nods, his hands in both his back pockets as he leans against the wall, intently watching us. I think he's paranoid with his sister being out of the hospital. Supposedly, Marcus told him that he doesn't need her for leverage over him anymore so he didn't try to interfere with her leaving the hospital anymore. She's off Marcus' radar. Except nobody is ever really off Marcus' radar. So I understand his concerns. 

"Alright, looks like you got everything on your list. Ready to check out?" I ask herm glancing over the messily written list Louis made. 

"Yeah, let's go." 

After we checked out we went for a quick lunch before driving Layla to the airport. She was going to be riding the plane alone but the school had someone waiting to take her back to the school once the plane lands. I could tell Louis was sad about her leaving and a bit worried for his younger sister. I mean, she's the only family he has. 

"Hey, call and text me frequently, okay?" Louis hugs his younger sister. 

"Yeah, of course." She smiles, hugging him back.

"Alright, you don't wanna miss your flight." He pats her back with a small smile. 

"I'll wait for you in the car, Louis." I tell him, kissing his cheek. "See ya Layla." 

"Bye! I'll be asking Lou for your number by the way!" She says as the both of them walk away. 

I smile, waving to them. I make my way back to the car and sit on my phone while I wait for Louis to return. My phone starts buzzing in my hands, Alex was calling me. 

"Hey, what's up?" I answer. 

"Hey! Just wanted to inform you of some plans I made for us all tomorrow." She tells me. 

I tilt my head, curious to what she has planned. "Oh, what is it?"

"So, it's kind of a whole day thing, since you know we all haven't gotten to really bond in a while yet...Uh so in the morning we're gonna drive up to this campground my family goes to, It'll be like an hour drive. Then we're gonna have a family lunch all together." She explains. "Then we're gonna hike the trails around there and camp." 

She wants to go camping. That's kind of odd coming from her since anytime Amy and I suggested it she was always so against it because we wanted to do actual tents and she's used to her family's nice campers. She's a bit prissy sometimes. 

"Okay, I'll let Louis know." I reply.

"Speaking of, seems like you two have been doing well." 

I smile at the thought of him. "Yeah, we have. I'm really happy with him."

"That's amazing Ems. We're all really happy for you." I can hear the smile in her voice. 

I look out the window and see Louis walking towards the car. 

"I'm happy for you and Harry too." I say. "But uh, I'll see you at home, Louis' coming back to the car now." 

"Okay! See you later. Don't forget to pack tonight." She hangs up.

Louis reaches the car and gets inside, looking upset. "She's all set and on the plane." He tells me. 

"Oh good." I grab his hand. "You okay?" 

He nods, his lips forming a thin line. "Yeah. Just sad she's gone."

I rub his hand with my thumb. "Don't worry, she'll be home for breaks and summer vacation." 

"Yeah, I know. Still sucks though." He replies. 

"I know." I nod. "But hey, things are working out for her." 

He places his hand on the side of my head, stroking my hair. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go home." 

Once we arrived home Louis and I began packing. He wasn't too thrilled at the idea of camping but he eventually came around to it. I think he's just too worried about his sister to think about other things right now. Which I don't blame him. 

"So what time are we leaving tomorrow morning?" Louis asks.

"Uhm I think Alex said around ten." I answer. 

"Since when does Alex wanna go camping? She plotting to kill or us or something?" He jokes. 

I laugh. "Sure hope not." 

He walks closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. My breath hitches as he moves his face closer to me and places his soft lips onto mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning into his arms. Everywhere he touched was burning with passion. 

"I love you." His hand grabs my chin, looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too." I smile. 

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