"You keep saying that you're alright
I can see it through your fake smile,
you're not."


Louis and I danced for a little while before he got tired of dancing and I wanted another drink. So, we went back to the table and sat down. Well, Louis did. I went to the bar and got myself two shots and downed them. Just keep drinking and you don't have to think.

I decided I also wanted a cigarette. So I asked one of the men at the bar for one.

"Excuse me, sir?" I tapped the man's leather covered shoulder.

He turned around, looking me up and down. He was a large man that looked to be middle aged.

"Yes?" He replied with a smug look on his face.

"Would you mind giving me one of your cigarettes over there?" I asked politely, pointing to the package of cigarettes sitting beside him.

He glanced at the package before looking back to me with a smirk.

"Sure thing, darlin'." He said, grabbing the package and taking one out.

He handed it to me but when I went to take it from him he pulled his hand back.

"Why should I give this to you?" He said smugly, leaning back in his chair.

I held my tongue so I didn't ruin my chances of getting what I wanted. This was one of those disgusting men that I hate. So, I put on a show like he wanted.

I gave him a seductive smirk. "Pretty please?" I pouted.

He chuckled handing me the cigarette box. "How about I give you this and we catch a ride out of here?" He suggested.

I know where this is going. I'm not going anywhere with him. But he doesn't have to know that.

"How about I keep the cigarettes and you give me one hundred bucks and I'll go with you." I propose.

He bite his lip, thinking to himself. "Alright. Deal."

He goes to get up out of his chair but I push him back into it. "Money first."

He sighs and digs his hand into his back pocket, pulling out a wad of cash. He counts out one hundred and hands it to me.

"There you go, happy?" He said.

I smiled, counting the money myself. "Yes. Let's go."

He smirked and got up, following me out the door. We were about to flag down a taxi when a hand wrapped around my wrist, spinning me around harshly to face them. I was met with piercing green eyes that bore into mine.

"What the hell are you doing, Emery?" Harry questioned, looking angry.

I scoffed and attempted to rip my hand away from him but his grip tightened.

"Hey man, let her go." The man behind me spoke.

Harrys eyes snapped towards the voice behind me. He pulled me away from the scummy looking man, stepping in front of me.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now