We pull up at the club, people filling in. We all get out one by one and start walking in. Zayn loops his arm through mine to make sure I don't get lost. We enter the club and of course go to our usual spot like every other time. It feels weird coming here and being single. Everyone sits down on the leather couch.

Soon we have shots sitting right in front of us ready to be drank. We all lean forward grabbing one. As the night goes by I drink more and more, trying to drown out the pain. I jump up and down to the music enjoying myself for the first time in a long time. Alex dances with Harry well in a very dirty way which is disturbing. Liam and Amy are twirling each other around and smiling. I want a dance partner too.

I push my way through all the dancing drunk people and go back to our seats where Zayn and Louis are talking. Well mainly Zayn, Louis' just listening and nodding. I flop down next to Zayn throwing my arms around his neck.

"Come dance with me," I smile.

"I'll dance in a minute, okay?" He says.

I nod and lean back on the couch throwing my feet onto his lap. He doesn't decline and simply puts his hand on my ankle. I close my eyes and move my head side to side enjoying thr music. Zayn pats my ankle twice and I open my eyes.

"Alright let's go dance." He says.

I hum happily and stand up grabbing his hand. I look to Louis who looks up at us from his seat on the couch.

"Come dance with us." I smile offering my hand. "What's the fun in sitting alone?"

He looks to my hand before his blue eyes meet mine again.

"Fine, but this is a one time only thing." He sighs standing up and walking to the dance floor.

I put my hand back down snd follow him, Zayn dragging behind me. We make it back over to where I left everyone else and Amy widens her eyes.

"You got Louis to come dance!" She says in disbelief.

I laugh with a small nod and turn back to the boys I forced out here. Looks like Zayns found some girl to dance with. Louis just stands there awkwardly not moving at all. I chuckle and grab his hands swaying them side to side.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking down at my hands.

"Showing you how to dance." I laugh.

"This," he gestures down to our hands swinging back and forth to the beat. "Is what you call dancing?" He chuckles.

"Shut up," I joke.

The song ends and a more rock type song comes on.

"Okay this is simple, all you gotta do is jump to the music. It's all I do because apparently I don't know how to dance." I tell him.

He smirks shaking his head. "I'm not jumping up and down like a kid."

"Come onnnn," I beg. "It'll be fun."

"How about we get another drink instead?" He suggests, trying to find a way out of this.

"Fine." I roll my eyes and follow him out of the crowd.

We walk up to the bar area and Louis orders us our drinks. Once we get them we go back to the table.

"I gotta pee!" I jump up from my seat.

"Uh okay?" Louis says taking another sip of his drink.

"Be right back," I say before running off to the bathroom.

I hurry and use the bathroom and begin washing my hands. A loud bang erupts throughout the building. I turn the sink off, quickly drying my hands. I hear more loud noises coming from outside the bathroom. Then it hit me. That was a gun being fired. All my friends are out there. Holy shit what do I do.

I run out of the bathroom, panic filling my body. There are people running everywhere bullets flying and people hurt. I look around for my friends but can't see any of them.

"Amy! Alex!" I yell but my voice is drown out over the screams.

I run back to our table and see nobody's there. Where's Louis? I frantically look around in hope of finding my friends. Should I just leave? No. I have to find them. What if they're hurt?

An arm is wrapped tightly around my throat. I gasp for air as my bodies lifted off the ground. My hands fumble at the man's arms trying to pry them off of me. In quick thinking I swing my legs back hitting him straight in the dick. His arms become loose letting me slipe out. I run without looking back. I look back for a split second and see the man chasing me.

He fists my hair in his hand making me stop running. He throws me onto the ground harshly. I wince from the impact and attempt to move away. He stands tall over my body stepping closer. I close my eyes and brace myself for whatevers going to happen next.

I open my eyes when I hear a gunshot. The man falls to the ground beside me and Louis stands behind him.

"Louis what's going on!" I ask frantically as he grabs my hand helping me up.

"We can talk about it later, right now we need to get out of here." He says with his hand on my back guiding me through.

I haven't even noticed the gunshots had stopped until Louis froze in place. He grabbed my waist pulling me to him. I look around to see several large men surrounding us.

"That's her." A man I recognize from the night I found out about the guys says.

"Leave her alone, she doesn't have anything to do with this." Louis spits tightening his grip on my waist.

"Oh but she does." He says. "Thought you were smart bringing her as back up didn't you?"

"Actually it was pretty smart." Louis smirks.

Whyd he say that? Why didn't he tell them the truth?

The men scowls and they all start to close in on us. Suddenly, gunshots go off and the men begin to fall to the ground. It's the guys. My legs become weak and I lean into Louis. He picks me up and starts to walk to the door. My eyeslides become heavy. I look over and see Harry on the phone. Why the hell is he on the phone right now.

Then, I'm being placed in the back of a car.

Undeniable | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now