We decided it was best to just stay at the guys place for the night instead of going home.

I was getting ready to go to Zayns room when a hand wrapped around my wrist. I turned my head to see Louis standing there.

"Come sleep with me." He said so quietly I barely heard it.

"What?" I asked to be clear of what he said.

"Sleep in my room tonight." He said again.

I hesitated for a moment before finally nodding and letting him lead me into his bedroom. He let go off my wrist and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a plain black t shirt and a pair of Grey sweats. He set them on the bed and then pulled out another pair of Grey sweats.

"You can wear those." He told me, pointing to the first bit of clothes he set on his bed.

"Thanks," I say grabbing the pile and going into the bathroom.

I quickly change out of my clothes and into the others. I moved my hair behind my shoulders and bent down to rinse my face with cold water. Once I was finished I grabbed my clothes and left the bathroom.

Louis was sat on the bed, looking out the window into the darkness. I set my clothes on the dresser and sat beside him. He didn't look at me, only at the window like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"What are you thinking?" I ask him.

He didn't reply for a moment, making me think he hadn't heard me.

"Just...about earlier." He tells me.

"What about earlier?" I further ask.

He sighed finally looking at me.

"We keep putting all of you in danger. We could of gotten caught and you would of gone to jail when you're innocent." He explains.

"It's not your fault though. Marcus made us. Not you." I say.

He shakes his head. "But you wouldn't even be in this mess if you hadn't met us. If we didn't continue to see you guys."

"But we did meet you. And I don't regret meeting you." I say.

His head quirks up. "Why?"

I think for a minute, staring at the black comforter.

"Because," I start. "Who would of been there for me when I went through all of that stuff with Luke? I would of never had the courage to leave or let alone realize it was toxic without you always telling me it was.

My life has been way more fun and I feel like I'm actually living. Not just worrying about work and what Luke wants. You guys made me realize that." I finish.

"I'm glad." He says giving me a slight smile.

"Let's get to sleep, it's late."

He nodded.

I got up and went to the right end of the bed, getting under the covers. Louis turned the light off making the room go dark, before he got under the covers as well.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted asleep.

I wasn't asleep for long as I woke up to the sound of thunder outside. The lightening lite up the room when it hit every few minutes. I couldn't sleep through this.

I looked over at Louis to see him fast asleep.  I slowly slide closer to him, hoping not to wake him up while doing so. He was on his side facing me. I smiled at how peaceful he looked.

I snuggled closer to him, hoping he wouldn't mind. I jumped a bit when he suddenly moved and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"You're scared of storms," he said as more of an inference than a question.

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