Chapter 7: Gear Up (Short Chapter)

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Authors Note: Before this begins just saying now this chapter was a bit rushed so I am sorry if it's not much. I will properly put more in the next chapter and give more info then but until then please try not to hate this. Again very sorry.

3rd POV:

We now go to where Y/n and Diana are at his house. They just dropped Karen off and told her to meet with them in 30 minutes. We now see both of them at the door.

Y/n: Ok remember don't talk about anything related to powers or any of our friends having powers ok? Your just Diana Prince who is from out of the city ok?

Diana: Right I promise I won't reveal our mission to save itself!

With that out of the way Y/n went ahead and open the door and went inside.

Y/n: I'm home!

Aunt May: Ah hello Y/n dear, how was school?

Y/n: It was... super to say but I need to talk with you. Is Ben around?

May: No but what is it that you need to talk about?

Y/n: Ok well there is no easy way of saying it but... Can we let someone live with us?

May: ...Excuse me?

Y/n: Yeah I had a feeling. Look Aunt May a friend of mine recently moved here to the city and she doesn't really have a place to stay but she wants to enroll in school and live here. And before you say it I know its a big responsibility-

May: Ok

Y/n: And yeah I know it's a lot since we're only thre- wait what?

May: I said ok Y/n. I am honestly glad to decide to do something like this. It's like I always say "You help someone, you help everyone." So my answer is yes.

Y/n being very glad smiles at his aunt and hug her which she returns.

Y/n: Thank you May! But what about Uncle Ben?

May: I'm pretty sure I can convince him. Anyway go ahead and bring the lady in.

Y/n: Right!

Y/n went ahead and introduce Diana to his Aunt who gladly help set up a room with the extra bedroom they had. After Ben got home he was filled in and gladly welcome Diana with open arms and thank her for looking out for Y/n to which she respond by saying "I will always look out for him as I feel he will do the same" Which gave both parent figures a happy smile.

Timeskip brought to you by The Girls grabbing some supplies Y/n requested for the "Web Issue".

After everything was set up in Diana's room the girls came by and went down to Y/n's lab aka the basement. Luckily they had the house to themselves since May and Ben went back out to grab dinner. They also had to say they were doing a group experiment just so they didn't get suspicious.

Zee: Ok so what exactly are we doing?

It can be seen that Y/n was currently tinkering with an old watch.

Y/n: Well to solve this web issue I need a way to shoot them so I was thinking of using a wristwatch just so it can be easy to put on and won't be a hassle to have on.

Babs: That's really smart Y/n!

Y/n: Hehe thanks, Babs. But I still need some help with testing.

Karen: Um Y/n before we do what exactly are we gonna use to make this webbing? I look over the notes for this it seems almost impossible without the right formula but I can't see what it is exactly.

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